Quincy The Canine Furry

Quincy is a wonderful 12 year old mixed breed. I adopted him when he was 8 months old. He is a real delight, full of fun, loves to play with the kitties and go for rides in the car.
Quincy also enjoys walking along the beach with me and tries his best not to get his feet wet when the waves break on the shore.

Taking A Break On The Sand

Quincy loves to sit and watch the world go by after skirting the waves on the Jersey Shore.

Quincy is a great supervisor while I'm working in my gardens. He watches me like a hawk, but he doesn't give advice, and allows me to make my own mistakes.

This "woofie" has a wonderful disposition and, just like my kitties, gives a great deal of love and expects so little in return.

Quincy has been very ill, he has chronic hepatitis, but is presently doing well. I'm very thankful that he is still here with me and the kitties. Mr. Quincy is a very special dog and I'm thankful that I found him as he has given me 12 wonderful years of pleasure and I hope many more years in the future.

The Hairy Dog

My dog's so furry I've not seen His face for years and years; His eyes are buried out of sight, I only guess his ears.

When people ask me for his breed, I do not know or care; He has the beauty of them all, Hidden beneath his hair.

~by Herbert Asquith

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