"Feeling Overwhelmed Is A Trap "

Feeling overwhelmed is a trap, a tricky one at that.
When we're overwhelmed, we see all that needs to be one and say,
That's too much. I can't do it.
So instead, I shall do nothing.
Feeling overwhelmed occurs when we say,
I am already too busy so I can't do that and now all is pressing in on me and I can't do anything.
And the acts that are ours to do keep piling up and pulling on us.
And we keep resisting.
And stress and pressure build up.
Feelings overwhelmed leads to feeling stuck, and both are in illusion.
How simple those things that overwhelm us actually become when we release the feelings and return to the rhythm of our lives.
When we say, Yes, I need to make that phone call, do that task.
How simple the task becomes, how simple life becomes.
What's bothering you that needs to be done?
What's pulling on you?
What's causing you to feel overwhelmed and maybe stuck, too?
Make a list.
Put your list aside, and begin by taking one simple action.
Then watch as life unfolds.
One act at a time, one thing at a time, all that needs to be done will get done.
The stress will disappear, and you'll feel back on track.
You'll be given the ability, power, and guidance to do all that is on your path to do.
Begin simply, quietly, by acknowledging feelings overwhelmed.
Denying the pull of life and its tasks doesn't remove stress; it compounds it.
Surrendering to the simple truths, even the simple truth of what we're really feeling, will always set us free.

Melody Beattie