"I" am afflicted with a Disease known as Alcoholism - "I" must take a drink today! No form of self will-power or personal decision will eliminate the affliction - "I" must take a drink today! The Disease controls my actions!! And if "I" do take that drink today, which "I" must, "I" Die!! The only way "I" had not to Die, was to seek GOD!

"HE" could and "HE" would! "HE" invited me to a Spirtual Fellowship-Where "HE" had sent others, years before.

"I" was to learn from "HIM" through "THEM", how the Disease could be arrested - because "THEY" had not taken a drink Today, and "THEY" had the same Disease!! "I" would not have to take a drink Today, which "I" must-as "I" am an Alcoholic - "I" would not have to Die!!

"HE" sent "ME" to "AA",which "HE" had blessed, and of which, in the final everlasting analysis - is nothing more than a sober Alcoholic telling "THERE" story, and only "THERE" story, about what "THEY" have learned from "HIM" - through other like stories, to other Alcoholics!!

If you want what "THEY" have, No, not the temper, disposition, the unpaid bills, Not the daily pain, the sin or the loneliness -

If you want to NOT take that first Drink Today, which you Must, because of your Disease which is killing you, Spiritually, Mentally, Physically, and you are reading this, Go to AA, as "HE" has invited you Also!!

May "HE" Grant You The Willingness, And Be With You In Your Willingness!!!