I do not believe in "Once saved, always saved". The Bible doesn't teach that, you have to twist the scriptures, and omit some if you are going to believe that. Yes, I can fall back into sin, but I
don't have to, and if I do, then the Holy
Spirit will let me know, and then
if I repent Jesus will forgive me. I
know this is not popular teaching, but
I'm not here to win a popularity contest,
I'm here to spread the truth.
I believe in living the kind of life that people will be able to tell there is something different about me, and in that way I can hopfully lead them to Christ. We are in the world, but we can't have the world in us, Just like you have a boat in the water, but if you let water get in the boat then your in trouble.
For more of my beliefs check out the "statement of faith" link below.
 I like fundamental Christian hymns, and
southern gospel music. I have no use for
contemporary music, or so-called
"Christian rock", so you might as well
not look for them on my pages.
I hope you enjoy my pages, and find a
blessing in them.
With Christian Love, Fred