A Son Is Born

by Naomi Dec 1995

The Time Is Here,

The Moment Has Come,

My Beautiful Daughter,

Has A Handsome Baby Son.

The 20th Of December,

Was The Miraculous Day

When Austin A_____ A______,

First Came Out To Play.

Too Comfortable To Leave,

Too Lazy To Depart,

He Was Taken From His Mother,

For His Great New Start

All In All,

The Deed Is Done,

All Is Well

With Mother And Son.

8 lbs. 13 oz.and 21" In Length,

Quiet, Perfect And Patient Is He,

As His New Parents Flounder About,

As Excited As Can Be.

From Nose And Below,

My Father and Me,

But His Eyes ... His Eyes,

Only Chinese Can They Be.

The Artistic Length

Of His Fingers And Toes,

Is Exceeded Only

By The Length Of His Nose.

A Few Other Things

That Seem Over-sized,

Can Only Fill The Family Men

With Great Masculine Pride.

A Mathematician Possibly,

Calculating Every Bodily Function,

Quick To Note That He

Is A Year-End Tax Deduction