Healing Hands Loving Heart

Biking Oblivious Along

As Carefree As Can Be....

My Son...Without A Job...

Is Enjoying(?) His Life With Me.

Flying Over His Head

As SQUIRRELS Are Wont To Do....

StaRTLing Kirk To StOPpPp!!!

To Take In ... The Surrounding View.

Swooping Down From Above

Making The Scene Surreal...

A Hungry HAWK Dives ... And Scoops

Up THAT Squirrel ... For His Late Afternoon Meal.

S L O O O W To Soar Away....

KaBangggg Into A Pick-Up's Grill

Plows ... That Graceful Hawk ...

... Laying On The Ground ... Quite Still.

Lifting Him Off The Road...

With Gentle And Healing Hands....

Carefully Holding Its Beak

And ... That Magnificent 6 Foot Span.

My Son Lovingly Strokes

And Calms That Majestic Bird

With A Tenderness That Evokes

From The questioning cops... A Few Simple Words.

"Have You Got Him Tight?

Don't Let Him Get Free ...

Keep That "&@^%#" BEAK

Far Away From Me.