A Letter To My Father On the Non-AnniversaryOf His Passing

Who Were You, My Father, The Short Time You Were Here?

I Saw You As A child Sees ... Thru Fantasies And Fear.

The Truth Of You ... I Know Not ... But, Safe You Made Me Feel.

I Could Grow Alone ... Yet Strong, 'Cause The Love From You Was Real.

I Knew Not Your Thoughts. I Knew Not Your Reasons.

Love Was Your Prime Mover Thru Any And All Of The Seasons.

I Think You Were Not a Learned Man ... Gentle Wit And Joy Were Your Loving Way.

Judge And Impose ... You Did Not ... But Accepting Of Each And Every Day.

All Who Were Touched By Your Healing Light .... Were Made To Feel Whole And True.

Always Willing To Freely Give Of Yourself ... A Lesson Yet Learned By So Few.

Where Are You Now, My Father? Are You Still Watching Over Me?

Are You Tugging My Hair or Twitching My Nose or Tapping On My Knee?

I Feel Your Love, I Feel Your Presence, I Feel Your Joy In Me.

But If I Had My Druthers ... I'd Druther ... Me ... Be Watching Over Thee.

I Love You My Father, Thru Time And Space and Eternity.

We Are One, My Father, How Else Could It Be?