Thoughts for the New Year

1) Don't Give 'Advice' UNLESS asked.

2) One isn't admired for what One 'Says about Himself' ....... One IS possibly admired for what he 'Quietly Does'.

3) If people don't see or hear your actions or words ...


4) The Law of Karma strikes again when speaking ill of others ... Others will speak ill of You

5) The 'Results' of making one's own choices & decisions ....right or wrong ... is how we grow & learn

6) Forcing one's own opinions on others might interfere with the others' own journey ... which might be different from Yours!

7) Not being able to share Your KNOWLEDGE gained thru the years ... is a Bitch ... but... that's each person's Cycle & Frustration!

8) Don't volunteer information or ideas that might be detrimental to other's thought patterns.

9) Remove 'Me' and 'I' from Any Dialogue!

10) I Am the Center of "My Universe" ...I am NOT the 'center of anyone else's universe'

11) In 'My Universe' ... I am my own judge & jury ... I allow NOONE else this Privilege!

12) I control myself from stating the obvious ... unless funny! .... or from telling someone what they already know!

13) Someone can get SO Angry or SO Upset with a Person or Situation ... that they Withdraw Emotionally, Mentally and even Physically ... before losing control and doing something horribly against their nature ...

These People are often called BiPolar or some other catch-all phrase!