Do you remember your very first post in Grannies? I sure do. We had 3 daughters, and our first 2 grandchildren are girls. Our first grandson was born. I happened to be looking through the list of discussion groups and saw this one titled "Mygrandchild". Impulsively, I posted here about the birth of our first grandson. I had never posted in a discussion group before, and didn't know what to expect. I was so surprised the next day to see so many responses to my post and everyone welcoming me to the group. A few days later, our daughter almost died from complications following our grandson's birth. I posted about it here. I was so overwhelmed by the outpouring of sympathy, support, and prayers from people here in the group. I've been hooked on Grannies since that day. This weekend we will be celebrating that grandson's 6th birthday. I will have an additional celebration in my heart... the day that I found Grannies. Love you all.

I had just gotten webtv and all I did was email. I didn't know about discuss groups. Then, one day, on the home page they told about discuss groups and featured "mygrandchild". I clicked on it and started reading. Didn't know protocol but came upon subject I had to respond. It was about the birthday party my family threw for me at the bowling alley....we had pizza and the grands had a great time bowling at grandma's party.

That was about five years ago. The next day when I turned it on I was overwhelmed with the welcomes. Months later I was fortunate to meet some of the ladies in one of their mini reunions in Binghamton. It has made having this web worthwhile.

Yes I do. I had been lurking in the group for a long time. I posted and asked what I had to do in order to join the group. Immediate response to my post and emails too. I have posted here for 5 yrs now. The way I remember is that Brandon and family learned that he had to have heart surgery the same year and all the grannies prayed for him.



Carol, what a nice post, like you I have had the web for 6 years, but never posted on the news groups until about 4 years ago and then not often. I am sorry to say that I do not remember my first post except I know it was giving information about each grandchild. I have truly enjoyed this group. Sometimes I just have time to read posts and not answer, but enjoy all of them.

I came to grannies in October of 1998. I had my webbie since April of that year, but was only posting in the gambling group. I don't remember how I found grannies, but I remember reading all 1500 posts on the board (over many days) and falling in love with the people in this group.

My first post was during roll call and I told everyone about reading all the posts on the board and even though I had no children or grandchildren, I would still like to be a part of the group. I remember Tera taking me under her wing and immediately, everyone followed suit.

Not only am I lucky enough to call the grannies my friends, but I am honored to call them my family.

When I first got my web I didn't know much about it and really didn't have much time to learn. I didn't know very many people with computers , so didn't get much email.My sister in Ark. got one too. we got them mainly to keep in touch with each other and cut our phone bills down some. I was experimenting with a couple of chat rooms and that's how I met Shirley. I also clicked on to someones web page in one of those rooms and it had a link to grannies, I came visiting and I've been here ever since. I might add thet I had become bored with the web, only because I didn't really know how to use it properly. I had never heard of a news group, I was impressed with the welcoming group and have really enjoyed it, Of course I had to tell my new friend about it, and here came Shirley. She stuck around too. I can't remember what I posted about, But I do remember when Carol came just a short time later, I can still feel the fear in her post when she told us about her daughter . Everyone was praying for her and God must have been listening.

I have only been posting with this group a little over a month (April 24) but I did find you all about 2 weeks before. My keyboard was broken so all I could do was look around on the net , one day I found Qz's list of ng group. didn't know what they were. I went down the list and visited a few a them (lurked), then clicked on to "mygrandchild" started reading your post and thought what a wonderful group of people. Sammy was so cute and funny, Lee stories about her being a nurse, and the way you all cared about one another it really does show thro in your post. I was so afraid to post for the frist time but after I did and you all started saying "Hello and Welcome" I was so overwhelmed that people who did't even know me were so kind. I look forward now each day spending time with you all,I tell my friends and sons about you all and how great you are, Thank-you again for all your kindness ,I hope that someday I will be able to meet at least some if not all of you in person Till then thank God for this webbie.

If memory serves me correctly my first post was on January 4th 1998. I received my webby from my girls at christmastime and it was to Carl and I. haha I don't think carl has every used it. I was reading on the home page and it said DISCUSS so I wrote in Grandchild and up popped the Grannie Group. I read for a while and then decided I would ask how they did their signatures. I remember Glo answered me along with another woman and in the meantime Darlene and her daughter Becky did also. Becky sent me instructions how to do it. I must be so dumb for I could not figure it out. Darlene wrote me and asked me to pick out a signature from the site she sent and I picked out a dove . She gave me instructions and after about 10 tries and e mails to her I finally got it. When the graphic appeared I just had to cry to think something so beautiful was on my screen. I thank you Darlene. Since then I have learned many things and met the most fabulous group of men and women . As Amelia says in her post. We are all like family. I went to the first mini reunion in Buffallo new york, Oh gosh what a hoot. A bunch of ladies in the swimming pool doing syncronized swimming. or trying to. then singing and swiming. Poor Carolyn going in with cloths on. Ladies what a time we had. WE first had all gathered in Di's room. she had a beautiful platter of goodies for us. And, knowbody knew it but each of us had brouht little favors for the other ones. I think the ice breaker was when Di gave us our first T shirts. What fun we had. Oh memories. Then in Binghamton, we met another hoot, the manager of the hotel telling a group of us ladies to quiet down. Well, with the size of me Pam and Di tried to hide behind me but it didnot work. tee hee hee. We had a great time and the day we were to go home it snowed. yes in april. fun anyway.

Our third mini reunion was at Leo's and Carolyns. So much fun. Barb, Bob(pams Hubby) and me, we fished. Pam operated the fart machine. I told barb I let a fart and said excuse me. this happened many times. then Bob let one. make believe cause pam had this fart machine which is remote controlled and she was on the other side of the house and evertime we would bend over she would press the button and one of us would take the blame. It was so convincing that finally Barbara let a real one go and my god we laughed till we cried. She never knew till about 3 hours later when we were in a circle after eating a wonderful cookout meal and Carolyn told her the truth about the fart machine. Barbara turned her usual red. Funny. Best time. Well that's all folks. Got to get to bed. Sorry this is long but my memories of this group are wonderful.

My first post was Aug 1, 1997. I had my webtv for about 6 months but it wasn't till some time in june or july that webtv started newsgroups. I waited a couple months before I posted for the first time because there was only a couple posts. In the meantime I posted in another group on usenet, but the people there weren't very friendly so I left there. On a chance I checked out mygrandchild again. The group was almost empty for quite a while with only an occasional post. Then suddenly a bunch of new people started posting in the group so I decided I would ask if they minded if I posted in "their" group. There were only about 9 or 10 others posting then but all of them welcomed me and were so nice I stayed. I am so glad I did!

Joan Bennett
I was planning to give a class for a local hospital's outreach program on "Grandparenting" & was searching the Web for information. One of the things it gave me was this Granny group which was a surprise for me but I fell in love with it & posted something without the slightest idea what I was doing. Glo responded, in an e-mail, on how to do it, very kindly & knowledgeably. Then my newest grandchild needed surgery on her skull at the age of 2 months & I asked for prayers. I was so proud to tell people I had coast-to-coast grannies praying. Guess those prayers worked as Kate is almost 5, cute & bright. She needs more surgey this next year so I'll be asking again.

I really don't remember my first post and actually forget how long I have been here. 1999? I was fortunate to attend some mini reunions, Binghamton, Buffalo, Clyde, and also the big one in Branson. I remember all about Buffalo and Binghamton, we laughed til we cried, and yes the visit to Carolyn and Leo's home on the river. Tell you it has been wonderful being a part of the grannies, Sure saved my sanity. My daughter told me about the group and I would come and read, then finally decided to post. Everyone was so kind and made me feel welcome. Many of you taught me about making a sig etc. JoAnn even took the time to mail me a whole list of istructions. What a great group of women we have here! Thank you all.

Mary Lynn
I was just exploring around in web tv. I had only had it a few months.. I saw the button that said discussion and I typed in the word grandchild as that was about all I was interested in, my grands. The first place I found was here and you have never got rid of me yet. 8^) And we don't even talk about our grands that much. My grands are all grown up now, 8^) and I still have a group of wonderful friends right here in grannies. It has changed my life for the better in more ways than I want to write about. Love you all.. (((Hugs)))

Can't remember when or what I said when I joined. Vi had told me about the grannie group and I peeked in a few times first. Best group of friends in such a short time. Went to several reunions and union in Branson. What fun.

I don't remember my first post. I had lurked for awhile before I posted, but I do remember the warm welcome.
I remember Mary saying how much you all loved Becky and you would love me too. I would never have known about web tv if it wasn't for Becky. You all have certainly blessed my life!

It was Dec. 25, 1998. I had been lurking here for a few weeks but was afraid to post. Leo had to work that Christmas Day and all of our kids were out of state so I thought I'd ask if you minded if I joined you....WOW what a response I got!! I don't get in often but when I'm here it feels like "home" to me. I've had the pleasure of meeting some of you at Buffalo, Binghamton and the best of all was when some of the grannies came to our home for the weekend. For me that was such a special time and I shall never forget it.

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