Charter/discription for alt.discuss.mygrandchild

In June 1997, when DMack convinced WebTV to open the "w" groups for WebTV users, he asked people to suggest topics that might be of interest to others. This is one of the many groups originally proposed by HoofArted. She asked for groups that she thought might be of interest to the people at alt.weemba (since alt.weemba was the only newsgroup used by WebTV'ers at the time) The others came from her head, this one came from her heart (Brooke) ;-) As Hoof points out, the Weembans did not use many of the new groups, but the groups were settled by others and have become successful on their own.

-information provided by HoofArted.

My hubby, new on the web, found the grandchild group, empty & made a post for me as we were new grandparents. No responses for about a month, then Karen, luvoldies joined me.

We talked back & forth for about a month then it started.

One, 2, 4, & 6 at a time joined us till we had about 55. Some came & went but we still have aprox 55 regular posters.

We are mostly grannies, but not all ... and several grandpas now.We discuss everything even the grandkids sometimes.

-information provided by Rustyblade (Bonnie)

Sometime in June of 1997 the group was started. There was very little, if any, traffic in the group, until finally, about mid July a few grandmothers started posting there. (I joined the group Aug 1st.) At that time there were about 10 posters. Since then the group has grown. We had so much traffic in the group, may of us have kept file cards on all the posters to help keep track of everyone. I have a file index of over 500 names of people that have posted in mygrandchild since July 1997.

Yes, we have lost some of the posters over the years, many have moved on to other groups, some have left webtv altogether and gone to computers. But the group continues to grow and flurish. At the present time there are over 200 regular poster. And another 50 or so, "once in a while" posters.

Yes, we have had flamers and trolls "visit" the group. But they don't stay long. We had one stop by last week. You may find his post in the back pages. With no responces to it.

On Oct 30th and 31st 1999 "grannies" was featured on the HOME page. Within a 24 hour period 125 grandmothers and grandfathers came to the group for the first time. Most of them stayed!! All of them said that what drew them to the group was the name~~~mygrandchild! They read the posts and knew they had found a "HOME". They may not have even given this group a second thought if it had not been for the name of the group. Mygrandchild. They were looking for and found a group of people that all shared the same interest.

No, we don't ALWAYS talk about our grandchildren. Some times we talk about issues that have to do with us, the grandparents! But just let one poster mention a grandchild and we are all there boasting about ours. And yes, sometimes complaining about them, as the discription of our group says.

Friendship! We talk about our kids, grandkids, homes, cars, jobs, husbands, wives, the weather, health, world affairs and sometimes even religion. In short, we talk about just about everything that you would talk about with your best friend. We have all laughed, cried, and prayed with and for each other. We are men and women of all ages that come from different walks of life and different parts of the country. We come together each day for many different reasons. Some for a good laugh, some for advice, some to vent their feelings and some for support, but all of us come here for friendship and love. This is what makes us #1!!!! If this is the kind of group you are interested in becoming a part of, you are very welcome. Come on in, grab a cup of coffee, put your feet up and start posting with the best group on the internet!!

Information provided by glo...

Web Page

Creation Date: June 1997

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