How many have dentures

K 5/28 4:05 pm
I do, a full upper denture, for about 30 yrs, now I've been very satisfied with them, they've done their "duty" for a long time, and I'm grateful.
REALLY..grateful to-day...Haha..
The last few days have been EXTRA stressful for me..Own fault I worry too much I'm told.. Last nite when I crawled into bed, I was fretting said my prayers, and couldn't close my eyes, so i decided to read.... That did it, I fell asleep, light still on and usual routine was ignored....I was out...

This morning I arose and thought "Gee" I didn't take my "Choppers" OUT. BUT...they weren't in my mouth... Where are they ?? They weren't in the tooth fairy jar, or on the bed ???

I panicked and looked everyplace I could think of.. NO TEETH...finally woke my son's bride to be and she found them under the bed...I guess I removed them in my sleep, and dropped them.. Now that's scary...We had a good laugh, and as I said earlier...I’M THANKFUL TO HAVE MY TEETH BACK...

Now, I can hear you all laughing, and I can too NOW...

W 5/28 8:45pm
For some reason one night I put my upper in one boot and the bottom in the other boot. Next morning I searched frantically and finally decided to go to work without them. Discovered my hiding place when I put on my boots. I have no idea why the boots.

H 5/29 9:10pm
That's funny. LOL I have the uppers and a partial on bottom. Will get a full plate there later. I'm still fighting with the uppers. I can't eat very good with them yet and they hurt and I'm miserable with them. The Dentist has sent them back to the lab twice now and they still aren't right. He has them looking right now, they didn't look right at all until just a couple of weeks ago. But they hurt the roof of my mouth so bad. If I try to eat with them it is very painful. So I guess, back to the lab again. I am wearing the first ones he made. They don't look right but I can eat better with them and they don't hurt too bad. At least the Dentist is trying to get them right. He says he's not giving up until he does everything that can be done. He better not give up, I'm not paying for them until he gets them right.

S 5/30 1:47am
Bad pop? I have partials, upper and lower. They were never made right. And just a couple weeks ago a piece broke off of the lower back. I don't think they are more than 10 years old.

S 5/30 4:24am
LOL, I loved that story K.! I kinda wish I had dentures. I am afraid of the dentist haven't been in 5yrs. I know one night I am going to wake with a big toothache but till then I just brush & floss and hope everything is okay......8^()

G 5/30 6:38am
I have upper & lower partials.. My husband now has upper & lower dentures, but 10 years he had partials -- He went to take a little nap as he was waiting for a tape delayed game to come on-- He took out his bottom partial and put it on the bedside table ... I was sittng at the kitchen table when I saw our (new) 6 month old poodle running through the doggie door and he had the partial !!! I yelled at the dog, T ran down the hall yelling NO SASHA NO and out the door he went chasing the dog ---

The dog was so scared at all the yelling he dropped the partial somewhere in the grass in the back yard and came running through the doggie door and hid under the bed -- This was about 9:30 p m and it was dark and even though the back yard light was on it didn`t help much. LOL T had to search with a large flashlight for almost an hour before he found his partial.

He wouldn`t let me help cause he was furious that I was laughing and he was afraid l would step on his teeth. hahahaha We still laugh about it but it was a while before he saw how funny it was....

C 5/30 9:49am
Funny, funny story K. Hope they didn't get any dust bunnies on them while they were under there. Hahaha. I have all of my teeth. Some of them have been drilled down and capped, but they are all there.

C 5/30 9:52am
Oh G, I wouldn't have been able to keep from laughing either. Hilarious story!

F 5/30 11:03am
Now that would be funny, asking everyone, "Where are my teeth? Have you seen my teeth?" I am glad that you found your teeth.

I have my own, caps. fillings and all.

S 5/30 12:56pm
LOL, great stories......sounds like people with dentures have all sorts of fun. I knew there was a plus to getting a little on in years......8^)

S 5/31 12:1am
I laughed so hard at your story, I started coughing. Sarah

J 5/31 3:27pm
I guess am lucky with teeth. At 86 (in July), I had two back ones pulled when I was very young and have had three fillings. All my own and I hope it continues as I don't like dentists!!

SJ 5/31 10:11pm
I have had full set since I was in my 30s.

I always had bad teeth before & lots of misery. My youngest daughter followed in my footsteps--Debtures at 30 yr old. I will tell a funny on her. when she was just getting used to the new choppers --she started yelling at the kids (she had 5 little ones close in age) teeth flew out of her mouth & across the room !! Kids loved it!

SJ 5/31 10:20pm
There sure are a lot of funny "tooth" stories aren't they ?? My husband died at 89 --with his Own teeth!! He had lost quite a few but said as long as he could still eat ok --no dentures for him.

I had a friend whose husband got drunk at a down town bar --took his dentures out--left em on the bar & went home. Next morning he cant remember where they are ---(small town luckily) has his wife phoning bars --to ask for his teeth!!

K 6/1 11:38am
You right there are a lot of funny stories about teeth....I took care of an older lady, and one day she said "I made an appt. for the dentist to-morrow, can you take me ??" I said "Sure Mary, got a tooth bothering you ?". (now Mary was 98 at the time ) She replied "No, just to have them cleaned," She had no dentures and a beautiful smile...I was thunderstruck, I didn't know they were all her own teeth.. It can happen I guess.???

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