Did Your Mother Read to You?

October 2, 2006 7:31 PM
You may have tangible wealth untold:
Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold -
Richer than I you never can be,
I had a mother who read to me.
--Strickland Gillilan--

My mother was foreign born didn't read to me. I didn't have any books until I started Kindergarten. I had wonderful parents but, I guess, they didn't know any better. I made up for it when I started school and was an avid reader.

October 2, 2006 8:34 PM
Yes Millie, my mother read to me a lot. I had stacks and stacks of books. I lot of the pictures that I have of myself as a child show me with a book.

October 2, 2006 9:40 PM
My Mother read to us some, but my Dad did most of the reading and telling stories to my sisters and I. My Dad loved to tell us stories about when he was little and all kinds of fun things.
My favorite was my grandma telling us that when my Dad went to school, he came home with all of his books the first day and said he was finished. He thought it was a one day deal!! He started in first grade at a country school that did not have kindergarten.

October 3, 2006 12:59 AM
No. My mom had 5 kids, Cooked on a coal stove. No running water. No electricity, no telephone, no money and no time for reading. Dad was a farmer so we had food. Made our own bread, butter and slaughtered our own meat. I love to read, however, and have hundreds of book I am still trying to put away. I'll have to live a loooong time yet, to get them all read. I read to my kids and grandkids. Graham taught himself to read before he went to kindergarten.

October 3, 2006 3:15 AM
My mother had a 3rd grade education and didn't read very well. She learned a lot as we were growing up and bringing books home.

October 3, 2006 6:25 AM
I don't remember my mom reading to me but she would teach me nursery rhymes and often recited poetry to me.

ps: Later I worked in a school and was a librarian and read to each of my classes that went through my class. I had all the classes in the school for a half hour and read for 15 minutes of the half hour.

October 3, 2006 7:33 AM
No, my mother died when I was 9 days old. I used to love to read, but raising a family and life has kept me busy. Like Sarah I have many books I would love to read.

October 3, 2006 9:32 AM
Oh, yes. my Mom read to me, and gave me the many hrs. and years of pleasure of reading, due to an early illness, I was bed bound for nearly 2 yrs. and reading was my main source of learning. Books were my best friends, an still play an important roll in my life. When I was in the school system with JR. I enjoyed passing this on to the kids that were not as blessed as I had been. Very rewarding job, and still means a lot to me too.

October 4, 2006 7:54 PM
My mother didn't read books to me but I do remember her reading (occasionally) the Sunday comics to me.

October 5, 2006 2:39 AM
Yes she did. She read me books about space ships and dinosaurs then she would read some different books to my brother. He and I always had different interest. After I learned to read I read some of those stupid Dick and Jane books to her and she said, if I remember correctly, "Sunny you can read better than that. Find books that are hard and read those to me". I remember reading some of the Federalist papers and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution to her. Dad had those. Mom was always reading in Oregon and Washington. I don't remember ever seeing her reading after we moved to Texas.

October 5, 2006 9:19 PM
Grandma read to me -often. I lived with Grandparents. am an avid reader now myself. I dont think children get read to as often now. My kids pop a video in for their children instead of reading a book.

October 5, 2006 6:21 PM
I just can't recall her reading to us but I know daddy read the comic books to us and some of our golden books. I love to read and so did momma. She read every library book I brought home from school and she would finish them in time for me to turn them back in. When I was first married, I joined a book club and she read those too, When I moved back in with my parents when I got a divorce, I bought a lot of paperback books, then they were under a dollar. She read them. I can't recall my parents ever buying us any books except the little golden books. I know she read a lot of romance magazines and would not let me read them until I was 18. Even after I married Bill, I took her books to read.

Barbara N
October 7, 2006 11:27 AM
No, my Mother was a working Mother. She always had a job. My Dad worked too but my Mom made more money. My Sis took care of me. I don't remember anyone ever reading to me.

October 9, 2006 5:15 AM
My sister Betty read to me. And taught me to recite nursery rhymes, I still remember the nursery rhymes. They were sur handy to know when my kids were small.

October 8, 2006 9:32 PM
You know I don't remember if my mother ever read to me or not, but I do remember my older sister reading to me and helping me with my homework etc.
My Mama and Daddy never had much education. I think they only went to about the 3 rd grade in school. But I do remember Daddy used to read a lot. He was always reading those western pocketbooks. He loved westerns. Books and movies. Anything Western.

M.J. Russ
October 9, 2006 7:42 PM

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