Haha....Anna. that's hilarious, and it sure does fit this group.. ( smile ) This reminds me of a funny yesterday with Rebecca, She no longer can get out of her recliner alone..So, I was helping lift her, and with the extra strain, ( on me ) I had an attack of "inflation", Before I could say "Excuse me" Reb looked at me with such a straight face, and said "Hey..I'm the one headed for the "john" and it isn't a "2 seater"..I collapsed. laughing..

I am so thankful her sense of humor returns once in a while..( grin )

What a funny story Kath. Sounds like Rebecca is keeping her sense of humor though it all. Reminds me of when we had Dave's mother living with us. She was disoriented and had little control of her bladder. One night she got trapped behind her bedroom door on the way to the bathroom. Dave kept telling her to back up so we could open the door and help her. She just kept banging her walker forward into the door. Finally she backed up enough for us to get the door open. Of course, her bladder had emptied on the carpet long before that time. She gave us a coquetish, sheepish look and said, "What I need is a peeing eye dog." We had a great laugh in what would otherwise have been a very upsetting situation.


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