Chapter 27Jun 27, 2001 Yo Baby OUR FRIEND JUNE fallingmoon lives in jeffersonville the others i will let them speak for themselves any suckers out there i orriginated in Peoria Jun 27, 2001 Yo Baby great picture susy is that a winged horse or a unicorn i can't see if it has a horn or not ![]() Jun 27, 2001 CITY AND STATE SHIRLEY I LIVE IN MEXICO MISSOURI THAT' NORTH EAST BUT MY DAUGHTER AND GRANDAUGHTER LIVE IN INDIANAPOLIS OF EVER STARTED GENIOLOGY HUNT MY GREAT GRANDMOTHERS FOLKS WERE FARMERS NEAR DELPHI WHERE IS SULLIVAN ![]() Jun 30, 2001 Emmy's birthday my oldest daughter talked very early she was 2 on July 21st and her baby sister was born July 3 i talked to her on the phone and she would say bring home Bicky sister the babys name was Vicky ![]() Jun 29, 2001 donut holes have any of you had a shop where you could buy a bag of donut holes i think you could get a sack for fifty cents that was uptown but there was a bakery about a block from us their specialty was long johns long narrow donuts filled with jelly what treat do you remember from growing up there was a drugstore near that haD WHAT WE CALLED WALKING SUNDAYS a cup cone with your choice of ice cream covered with your choice of topping my choice was chocolate ice cream with pineapple topping then about five blocks further there was a a dairy you would get REGULAR CONE but there was always a chance that in the bottom of the cone would be a little piece of paper that said free ![]() Jun 29, 2001 WHICH WOULD YOU LIKE?? Donuts i'm not supposed to have ice cream because i'm not supposed to have regular milk allergic to the lactose and if i could get up and walk to the store i'd probably be hungry enough to eat the donuts we did have dunkin donuts but on main street there was a shop where you could get donut holes they were good too if you had just got off work or out of your movie and was waiting for your bus ![]() Jul 1, 2001 ANY PLANS FOR THE 4th? as far as i know right now sameo same o but at least i won't be out driving accidents happen here but less chance ![]() Jul 1, 2001 One more year~~HOORAY!!!!!! i retired in 1998 was off for awhile and got so bored i went back to the hospital and signed on as a p.r.n. nurse if they were in a pinch they could call me and they usually did three or four times a month which made it nice they hired me back at $10.25 an hour and three days my check just about equal to the one i got for social security and retirement then in 91 this happened which knocked me completely out of the box in jan of 91 they called me four imes but it was so icy bill wouldn't let me drive in then i had the stroke Fb 20th 8 days after my 65th birthday oh remember the old story about the girl who was going to hatch chickens and make her fortune hr> Jul 1, 2001 Re: One more year~~HOORAY!!!!!! sammy you have the web so maybe you won't get bored back then maybe i could have had a computer but i wouldn't have known what to do with it it took sitting here to get me in touch with the groups and all my friends ![]() Jul 2, 2001 Please Read All you will get nothing from forwarding something at best it might remind a friend that you are thinking of them ![]() Jul 2, 2001 Why our Flag is folded 13 times Sally my husbands nephew a career service man told me something i didn't' when i received received my husbands flag after his military funeral a flag that has covered a coffin can not be flown from a flagpole ![]() Jul 2, 2001 JULY ROLL call DONNA FORM MO HI TO Those who know me i'm still here Donna widowed live in nursing home l'm a hemiplegic from a stroke in 91 one daughter Mary lives in Indianapols one grandaughter Amanda also in Indianapolis new great grandson Jacob William born Fe 23 this year last i've heard has just learned to roll over i've seen him once hope again soon i'm still here should be hearing from my new i.s.p. soon i will stay on the web Mary wants me to and she pays for me ![]() Jul 3, 2001 Iceburg!! i knew that only a small percent of an iceburg showed above the water it's amazing how big they are and no wonder one of them could sink a rowboat like the Titanic ![]() Jul 3, 2001 JULY ROLL CALL»Gloria i have many favorite si fi authors been reading it all my life favorite stories flowers for Algernon and Space time for Springers favorite book one of them Star Trek the voyage home ![]() Jul 6, 2001 Happy Birthday Mary Lynn.... Great artistry judy when i was in school i could count on a birthday party at east every other year one year they would give us a day off from school on Lincoln's brthday and the next year on Washigton's so i knew at least every other year i would have a holiday on my birthday and a party with all the girls in my class the year i wasn't off Washington's birthday was my mothers birthday and we would have a special family dnner my great grandson was born Feb 23rd but it won't be that special for him now there is just presidents day Vicky my daugte was born July 3rd mainly because she like her sister was born C. Section and they wouldn't do elective surgery on a holiday so i couldn't have her on the 4th ![]() Jul 7, 2001 PSALMS 23rd there are many times here especially on short staffed weekends that it isn't the people here who are taking care of me but the lord who promises he will not give you more to stand than you can bear ![]() Jul 7, 2001 Licky our pets give us unconditional love and in return they deserve anything we can give them Jul 7, 2001 LickyMary Lynn would you believe the picture didn't load for me me crying boo hoo ![]() Jul 12, 2001 TALKED TO LEE if we had only had some way to know that a blood vessel was ready to break in my brain before i had this stroke it might have been different though even if we had i'm not sure anyone could have done anything my stroke was a bleed rather than a clot or thrombus or anembolus i was out for a month and the dr told Bill my husband they thought they were going to have to go in and pool a hematoma to you non nurses that is blood that pools and sometimes they have to go in and drain it but it absorbed naturally afterwards though i couldn't do things that would be easy like the dr had a little puzzle of different size pieces of wood he would arrange them into an L take them apart and say you do it i would try but i couldn't the dr said your brain is like a computer stroke shocked it it has to make new connections but so far it hasn't found the right URL's so it doesn't work as good as it did but at least i'm not aphasic (unable to talk) i know what i want to say and i can say it i don't always but could ![]() Jul 12, 2001 ReMSN is MSN going under i got an e mail from web tv telling me i would have to get an i.s.p. because after later this month web will no longer have a local phone number so i am going with socket finalised as soon as my daughter gets in touch with our bookkeeper she pays my web also keeps in my phone and i know she doesn't want a bunch of long distance calls then i see other computer companys are in trouble maybe one of these years i will be able to afford a real computer ![]() Jul 12, 2001 A load lifted from my shoulders Dottie be thankful if you have the indpendance to be able to get up and walk there are some here in the home older than i am that can right or not i envy them i don't have much appitite eiher but i put it down to the fact i cant get up and get any exercise wheeling a wheelchair is effort but not real ezercise my daughter keeps my phone in and my web and pays for my hair care and i can't ask for much more they feed you well here just not always what i would chose if i was geting it myself and i did that for a long time besides i love breakfast and i finnaly have them fixing my eggs like i like over easy with lots of yolk though really they are supposed to fry them hard but the dr said was allergic to egg whites so they fix them with lots of yolk three slices of bread a bowl of oat meal or cream of wheat a cup of hot choclate a glass of juice hopefully orange but thay's supposed to be a no no too so they don't give it to me often after breakfast i just wish they would let me alone but if you don't go to the dinng room one of the nurses has to bring it to your room and they have plenty to do without that one of the new women was complaining about not wanting a tray so she stays in her room i told her they had to bring it to her she said that was like making her eat what she didn't want i said no you don't have to eat it but they have to bring it that seems a waste of time to me to but i think it is a state rule main problem with long term it costs an arm and a leg i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my social security and my pension i'm thankul my daughter is able to help me so much as she does but i'm sure my grandaughter and great grandson will need help too but she is still working well enough rambling ![]() Jul 13, 2001 HIKING i have a question do any of you or have any of you done much hiking in Columbia we had a hiking trail called the KT trail the kt railway was no more they took up the tracks and turned it into a hiking trail it goes from Columbia almost the rest of the way accross the state and Columbia is about in the middle i have walked it maybe a mile when my dad was in the army in 1918 he said they hiked from the camp in Illinois to fort Brady in northern michigan he said it took them 21 days he said they slept in barns i guess the officers arranged for their food in 1915 when he was 15 years old he and three other boys rode their motorcycles from Peoeia Illinois to Springfield the state capital he said it took them about 2 hours or less but while they were there there was a very bad rain storm and then in 1915 there were no paved roads he said it took them five days to get home they slept in barns then too but probably with less official permission anyway when he got home his mother who hadn't known where he was was waiting for him then my husband after the war said they marched from Dauchaw the concentration camp a few miles out of Munich to Salsburg Austria where they spent their time in the army of occupation he didn't say how long it took them but he said they marched on the Autobahn thats a big highway i never hiked much never been where i could besides too many thing in the outdoors that caused alergies I think one of the bigest hiking trails would be the Appalachan trail i have heard it goes from Virginia to maine i wonder how long it would take an experienced hiker i think there are hostels where peiople can stay has anyone ever done it or know someone who has ![]() Jul 14, 2001 the goofiest advertisment ever have you seen the advertisement that claims it will increase your bust by two bra cup sizes or your money back i would have to think carefully before investing in something like that if i tried to get my money back they would just say you should have checked before you bought it to see if they made bras with double F cups it's not our fault they don't and no we don't have anything to reduce them especially from a double D to an A or B we didn't think it was worth he research ![]() Jul 14, 2001 Swim Suit Shopping in Chicago i have seen men jump into lake michigan in the middle of winter i didn't notice their suits if any it even bothers me to see seals or penguins dive in pictures i have never seen it personally and i know they are protected by blubber i'm fat but don't want to get fat enough to dive into an arctic ocean ![]() Jul 15, 2001 Going to NY....... NY sounds exciting we went through there on our honeymoon in 1949 but we had to chose whether to take a tour of new york or Washington DC we chose washington but wish we could have toured NY too we asked a policeman where Brooklyn was and he said your in it but Washington was nice too they took us to mount vrenon and that evening we came back on the boat i said to my husband isn't New York the capital of New York and he said no it isn't where did you go to school he said they learned more in a one room school and maybe they did ![]() Jul 15, 2001 what kind of school what kind of school did you go to one room or the kind with a different room for every grade my husband went to a one room school and says he learned more than i did that's when i thought New York City was the capital of new york state i 'm sure none of my teachers taught me that but thougth so anyway i did try to learn them once but our one teacher spent a lot of time on the alphabet with us she said how are you going to use a dictionery if you don't know which letter comes where i think that was third or forth grade a while back i got some things from the audiobook club and one of the things i got was conversational Russian you get a book with 40 lessons a dictionery and two cassete tapes that follow the lessons why Russian lets just say i'm too curious for my own good but that teacher was right the alphabet is different and it was hard to use that dictionery now where is that letter and what comes before it AND AFTER IT it finally got easier i said to the dr its harder to memorise i'm dumber than when i was in school he said no your not your brain is a computer and that stroke shocked it it has to make different connections so i guess you could call a bad stroke a computer virus and that is one computer you really need maybe it wasn't as expensive as some but you count on it more than you think ![]() Jul 15, 2001 Traveling time i was daydreaming about winning the lottery there was a girl when i worked in columbia she was in a wheelchair but she had a vehicle that lifted the chair into the drivers seat i don't know if i could use that but i could have it lift me into the passengers side and a friend could drive i would say now go straight north to route 24 then turn right east and keep going straight east to Peoria once their i could tell him what streets to take to take me home it would be best to go east from Burlington then we wouldn't have to go north once we got in Illinois just straight east to peoria of course as long as it's dream i would have won enough to go up and say how much do you want for the house to whoever is living there now then i would have it repainted as i am sure it hasn't been painted since the last time my dads did it and maybe have that room built on they had THE BLUEPRINTS drawn up for the year i was suposed to get my own room they were going to start building it the next spring the plans were all made in the fall of that year 1941 so i never did get my room of course it wouldn't be the same mom and dad not there and i can't dream them back never had any sisters or brothers to begin with but my girlfriend still lives in the next block still in the same house she grew up in but i think most of the neighbors would be gone oh well you had just as well dream big that don't hurt ![]() Jul 17, 2001 off line today every time i come on the web it is dialing long distance i knew this was going to happen but my son in law is working to get me on the other isp i think it will be socket but untill he does i will not be using the web so bye for now i hope it is not long ![]() Jul 18, 2001 HOORAY!!!! a good feeling isn't it my first great grandchild was born in Feb my daughters daughter Amanda she was born Jan 1 1971 so she is 30 too now i am waiting for my first great grandaughter i hope she is not too long the first time i got to go shoping after Jacob was born the easter dresses were in the stores i can't wait for the excuse to buy a real frilly one besides i had two girls no brothers i'm more used to girls Jul 18, 2001 HOORAY!!!! p.s. Jacob was born Feb 23rd my mothers birthday only she was born 1900 and Jacob 2001 ![]() Jul 18, 2001 back o line yesterday my son in law arranged things for me so i am on socket internet service and it is not dialing long distance any more so i am back with you i' glad it was no longer but i was with them this morning i chose a name for them but when i come on line it hasn't changed so i'm back ![]() Jul 19, 2001 HAVE YOU HEARD sounds a little like the snake oil pedallers i doubt if it has been thoroughly tested or approved by the F.D.A. widely enough advertised it could have a placebo effect but i would be careful it might keep you from taking a proven help sounds like someone else has thought of a good way to make a buck ![]() Jul 20, 2001 MORNING Most mornings lately have been good there has been someone here at least by 5:30 to put my shoe on and get me up i would be up a lot earlier if i could do it myself but like it or not i have to wait i do get to breakfast on time(my favorite meal some of the cooks are better than others i don't like to complain but if they cook my fried eggs hard i say something and get others i'm not fussy just like a lot of yolk ![]() Jul 19, 2001 Antiques Roadshow the old saying different strokes for different folks some people are experts on antiques like others are experts on others but no one can be an expert on everything notice there is a panel and even then they have references i wouldn't know a chippendale from a shaker but some people make knowing their lifes work rather than just a hobby ![]() Jul 19, 2001 LADY LUCK IS "BLONDE'.... my husband tells of an instance when a bunch of men were gathered a little way from town involved in a crap game a nude woman came in rolled he dice shouted i won and gathered up the pot afterwards no one knew what she had rolled but regardless she got the pot and this was a true story ![]() Jul 21, 2001 The latest on Dale Ihad to take vickie my youngest daughter to the pediatric clinic every week toward the last of her life the dr would examine her usually by examining the retina of her eyes one week the dr said to me she has less than two weeks but there is one more thing i can do i said what's that he said i can put a shunt in it would relieve he pressure i said what would that do he said it would give her a few weeks more of misery so i said no let her go and she did in about two weeks but then they let me go to her so she could tell me how beautiful it was and how happy she was (it was no dream) she said she was going to school and had 33 beautiful teachers when we meet again she can tell me what she was studying Jul 21, 2001 The latest on Dale some people don't want to hear this i am sure but here are times when there are better things than healing Vickie was slow and if she had grown up i don't know but i heard my mother say to my father after the funeral she didn't say it to me probably didn't even mean for me to hear it We will never have to worry about our litle child again now they are both with her the seperation wasn't that long 4 years for my mother 6 for my father for me maybe someday soon Dale has my prayers too ![]() Jul 21, 2001 Chelation Therapy this is the 21st century by the 22nd 23rd 24th or 25th there will be cures we never dreamed of in the 1920's when my mother was a young woman her cousin a nurse worked in a t.b. sanitarium she would tell my mothers stories of someone who would seem to be getting well then would suddenly hemmorage and die the main reason my mother resisted any kind of nurses training for me but in the 80's a co worker got t.b. she went to the veterans hospital the federal hospital in columbias Mo. where i worked before the year was up she was back cured that was less than a century so there is hope for the future ![]() Jul 22, 2001 I GOT BABIES!!!!! our cat used to get fledgling birds and my husband scolded me for scolding her he said she's just being a cat let her alone i just wish it wasn't their nature to kill things Jul 22, 2001 I GOT BABIES!!!!! Darlene i never cared for rabbit but i did like baked squirrel my father never hunted but sometimes someone else would stop by and leave us a cleaned rabbit or squirrel squirrel was good but you had to be careful not to bite down on some buckshot ![]() Jul 24, 2001 QUESTION how can i put a sig or a vidcap in a scrapbook how do i use the scrapbook? ![]() Jul 24, 2001 SOMEDAY someday maybe 2100 2200 or 2300 we will be able to send not only e mail through the web but ourselves no more strange than a computer E Mail would have been to the pony express riders no stranger than man stepping on the moon would have seemed to people two or three hunded years ago yes i believe that someday in the future we will have teleportation not in our lifetimes of course rather than attact by indians there may be the danger of being lost in cyber space p.s. in case you couldn't tell i have been a fan of sci fi all of my life ![]() Jul 24, 2001 Still On The Road..THEY"RE HERE! i would have one thing against traveling via cyber space think of all the beautiful scenery we would miss i took two trips to virginia and enjoyed the one by amtrack more than i did the one by plane ![]() Jul 24, 2001 How to recognise a cult i just read a letter in Ann landers this couple had belnged to a certain church for over 10 years they were giving all their money and all their time they finally decided to change they were threatened with dire spiritual consequences and ostracised by friends of over 10 years but this is not the real way to recognise a cult a cult will invariably put forward a leader or someone besides Jesus Christ as the person to look up to if a church or religion puts anyone else as the one you hold in most esteem it is not a legitament church it is a cult a legitament church preaches Christ and him Crucified not some leader however charasmatic ![]() |
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