You have certainly had some interesting experiences.
When I worked in the nursing home we would see some of the older people get what seemed to be super human strength.

One little lady who happened to be Dale's cousins wife got all upset one night & they were going to give her a shot to calm her down. I bet she didn't weigh 100# soaking wet, tiny little lady. It only took 5 of us to give her the shot.

We were told to never go into a certain mans room alone & to try to stay out of his reach while working around him. He was just plain mean! He would throw feces at the walls & you if you weren't careful.

Isn't it strange how the mind can change as some folks get older. Some good christian ladies & gents could curse like sailors. In fact I wonder if sailors knew some of those words.

We had one lady, her name was Daisy, who screamed like a banshee when we went to give her a bath. She would hit,scratch, pinch & spit. I swear they could hear her down down town. She could get out of a posey belt faster than you could fasten it on her. You couldn't keep her in bed. She would go into other patients rooms (she was in a wheel chair, couldn't walk) & eat talc powder & lotion. But ask her to sing certain songs & she sang them word for word. She went up & down the halls all day long calling for "Scottie" her son.

She had some little sores on her hands. She got to picking at them & got them infected. She had to have surgery on them. Her doctor went to the mental hospital & got leather cuffs to cuff her to the arms of her wheel chair & the bed rails to keep her from picking at the sores. It was almost a full time job just keeping up with her!

I got a terrible bite from a man in the same nursing home. But that is another story. I rambled on too long as it is.

March 7, 2004
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