Oh Boy
As a student nurse, you had rotations every three to six weeks on different floors of the hospital. How long you stayed on a certain floor depended on the type of patients admitted to that floor. Most of the time you had a fellow student assigned with you. The time I had my rotation in the newborn nursery, I was assigned alone. It was so much fun bathing and feeding those little Angels. I loved carrying them to their Moms at feeding time in the afternoons. I got to watch and help in circumcisions and was showed how to weigh, measure and bath a brand new spanking baby.

Students only worked during the week. I had some make up hours to do, so when the nursery's head nurse said that they would be short handed the coming weekend, I volunteered to work.

There was just one nurse and myself that weekend. It was such a quite day and the nurse said that she was going to lunch and if I needed any help while she was gone, for me to call the nurse's station on the OB floor. Well wouldn't you know it that no sooner had she left the floor, a new born came in. The Doc was on the intercom from delivery and asking me what the weight, etc was. I hurriedly did the tasks and gave him my report.

When the nurse came back 30 mins later, I had that little fellow weighed, measured in length and head measured, bathed and in the incubator. She said why didn't I call for help, I told her that there just wasn't time and the doc was calling me. She said "Good work for a student." When your rotation was over, the head nurse has to send in an evaluation on your work and performance. She wrote that I was the only student who ever rotated there that had interigity and intuitiveness that no other student had ever shown. She asked if it would be possible for her to reserve a position in the nursery when I graduated. I went to see her later and told her that I had not made up my mind as to which area I would work upon graduation but I would tell her at graduation time. She thanked me and said she would make a place for me if I changed my mind. I found out later that all of the other students hated her because she was so mean and bossy. I never saw that side of her.

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