One Christmas, we had a lot of young people on our cancer ward. All the patient's rooms were decorated and most had Christmas Tree brought in by families.

This was my year to work on Christmas. It is hard leaving your family to work on Christmas knowing that they are having a nice dinner and gift opening at one of the relatives homes. But holidays still have those who must be a patient in the hospital. It is even harder on them than the employees. You get lack on those days and don't follow your usual routine. Christmas Day you spend with the patients and do only what is necessary for them. After all it is Christmas.

We had a 27 year old leukemia patient, newly married only a few months. Her family at the bedside constantly day in and day out. One young father of 2 with testicular cancer and another young man in his early 20's. These were the most critical of all the patients we had on the floor at that time.

No empty beds to be had that day.

Patient's families brought in gifts of perfume, earrings or candy for the employees. There were cans of popcorn, cookies, cakes that were given to us. We gave the patients smiles and greetings. We prayed with them and held their hands. Christmas was going well so far. Baths were given to those that wanted them and all the beds were with clean linens. Diets were all but ignored that day as families brought their loved ones plates of food from home and Christmas gifts.

Before our 8 hours were up, death paid us a visit and took the above mentioned 3 patients. We all wept, we knew death was coming but hoped it would not be today. After all it was Christmas and a day of celebration of joy.

When I stop and think of that one Christmas Day so long ago, I think that those 3 patients recieved the best gift of all. They got the gift of seeing Jesus on His birthday, they were not in pain or suffering anymore.

Those left behind did not think of that "gift" that day. We mourn those who pass and bless them for being in our lives. Our lives were made richer by just know them. They are blessed with His presence every day.

Merry Christmas to all of those who spend it with Jesus.

Death knows no holidays or age limit.

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