We used to get in an elderly man in his 90's if I remember correctly. I don't remember where his cancer was located or the type. His children would bring him in every 6 weeks for chemo or sooner if he was sick with something else. They also brought the patient's wife too. His wife had Parkinson's disease really pronounced. She was unable to take care of herself when her husband had to come to the hospital. We would get her a cot to sleep on and we had to dispense her medications to her as well as give her husband his. When the nurse who was assigned to care for him also got to take care of the wife as well. She had to be bathed everyday and fed her meals due to the intense shaking of her hands. He also was a complete bath and a feeder too. His wife was never admitted to the hospital during these admissions. They had a wonderful sense of humor and a truly devoted couple.

You never saw the children or any visitors during the entire admission. When it came time for discharge we had to call and call until we got a hold of one of the children to come and get them.

Home health saw to the couple's needs in between admissions to the hospital. Their children did not wish to particapate in their care at home or in the hospital.

We got the impression that their parents were a burdern to them and yet did not want the expense of a nursing home for them to receive care. I know I would not want to treat my parents that way or have my kids treat me that way.

The wife died just before the husband.....only a few weeks apart. It was extra care for the person assigned to them but the love you saw between them made it a wonderful experience. The family never said thanks or anything. They would just pick them up and leave as if it was a bother to them.


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