One day on the oncology floor we admitted an elderly lady in a diabetic coma with a blood sugar of over 800. You former nurses will know how dangerous that is as well as all of you who are diabetic. We treated her with IV's and insulin. She was my patient from day one. On the third day her sugar was back to normal. While I was at her bedside, she woke up.

I was the first person that she saw when she opened her eyes. She went into a fit of hilarious laughter to the point of tears streaming down her cheeks. She said "You are the funniest thing I have ever saw". She had a contagious laughter and soon everyone came into the room and soon began laughing too.

She and I became the best of buddies. She asked for me everyday. I would put her into a wheelchair and sit her in the hall by the nurse's station. This lady never met a stranger. She talked or hollered out to everyone who came down the hall. She would tell everyone that "Glenda (me) and I are going to Peoples Warehouse Market and buy eggs. three dozen for a dollar. That's Glenda over there. Ain't she the funniest thing you ever saw"

Until she was discharged about a week later, I was known as the funniest thing anyone ever saw.

She died about a month after being discharged to a nursing home. She could not go home because she was unable to take care of herself and manage her insulin shots.

I think of her when I hear someone having a bout of uncontrolable laughter. For two weeks, I had the pleasure of taking care of and getting to know the most pleasant woman. I have never met her match to this day.

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