Once while working on the cancer floor, we had a patient to come in for just a routine check-up. Complaint was feeling tired and run energy. He was the owner of a fast food drive-in in a town about an hours drive from here. He worked long hours 7 days a week. Doctors thought burn out, over worked, not enough rest.

He was literally put through the mill so to speak with a battery of tests.

He said that he felt worse each day with the tests and the preps. Such a wonderful patient. He was always friendly and cooperative. Always smiling inspite of how he felt.

I made rounds with the doctor to tell him the results of the tests. He was told that he had lung cancer and that it was spreading rapidly. He could add months to his life with chemo and radiation. He looked so downhearted and said No to all of the options. He said that he would not live long enough to start the treatment.

The doctor wrote the orders for the chemo and the radiation. Tomorrow all of the orders to be carried out. Early the next morning, he died two hours before the treatments were scheduled to start.

Sometimes I know that God and or His angels talk to us and tell us things that others do not hear. I believe that God knew that the treatments would not be of any benefit to this wonderful man. He told him that He would take him home before the treatments would start. For those of us who have worked in a hospital, esp working with the dying know that at the time of death, there is such a feeling of peace in the room. You can't see it or explain's just a feeling that can not be explained. I just know that there is a Holy presence with us at the time of death so that we never really die alone......even tho no one was in the room at the time or if someone was there.

It is not an eerie feeling,.....just peace.

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