This is a story that took place on the cancer floor. We not only took care of the patients with cancer on this floor but we cared for people with blood disorders. We had three brothers who were born with hemophylia. That is a disorder that keeps their blood from clotting. (Don't know if I spelled it right or not.) They very rarely came in at the same time for treatment.

As it would happen, all three drank alcohol. Once when one of them came it, he went into DTS. Man he was a live wire and hard to keep track of, so we had to restrain him to keep him in bed. His doctor came on the floor and started rounds. When he came to Roy's room, he did not see him, just wrist restraints still fastened. The doc came to the nurse's station and asked where was Roy. In his room. We all went there and asked his room mates where Roy went to. (They were in a 4 bed ward) They giggled and pointed under Roy's bed. Yep there was Roy. He had his toes and fingers wrapped around the bed springs and his tail end in a trash can. You would have to be there to see this to appreciate it. The doc talked Roy into coming out and getting back to bed. Roy decided that he would not go to bed at the last second and made a dash for the door. It took 4 nurses and the doc plus two security police to hold him down so I could give him a shot of Thorazine.

We then sent him to the pyschriatic floor to the lock up. It was the highlight of the day! How I wish you could have been there to see him. What a sight!!!

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