Sometimes it is difficult to get people to take their medications. You try every trick you can think of and on some it does not work. I had this one lady who was a seasoned senior citizens. She was full of spice, could be a charmer at times and a witch at other times, esp when it came to take her pills.

I took her morning medication in and she refused to take any of it. I asked her why wouldn't she take her medicine. She said "I don't have to and God has not told me to take it. I will not take them until He tells me to." No amount of talking would convince her to take the pills. I took the pills back to the med room and her doctor was at the nurse's desk. I told him about all the difficulty we had been having with his patient. I told him she would not take the pills until God told her to take them.

He told me to go back to her room and take the pills. He watched me as I went into her room. I told the lady that she needed to take her pills. "Not until God tells me " she said. Then all of a sudden you heard this deep voice come over the intercom. "Jane, this is God. Take your pills." A look of astonishment came over her face as she looked around the room as to see where the voice came from. She said "Yes Dear Lord I will do as you say" She took the pills and we never had any problems with her after that.

I went back to the nurse's desk and the doctor said " I guess your problems with Jane are over with now"

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