Lighting Candles
In all my years as a nurse, I have seen things that I just as soon forget. Some days are pleasant, filled with laughter, then comes the day you wished never happened. Those are the days that you would like to forget.

One very pleasant elderly woman with a brain tumor who saw the world differently than we do. On the evening shift, this very remarkable lady put on her call light. I went into her room. She said "Come here, you have to see this." She was looking out the window just as the sun went down. From her room you could see the employee's parking lot across the street.

I said "Mrs.Jones ( not real name) what do you see?" All I could see was the last bit of sundown and the parking lights in the lot were coming on. She looked up with the sweetest smile and said. "Just look Honey, God and His Angels are lighting candles so we won't be in the dark." She was such a joy to be around. Believe me if I had to have a brain tumor, I would want it to be located where hers was found. She saw and talked to those that we could not see. Mrs. Jones stayed about a week with us and then transferred to a nursing home. She quietly passed a week later.

Now when I see the lights come on, be it in a parking lot or street lights, I just bet that God and His Angels and Mrs Jones are just lighting the candles for us all to find our way in the darkness.


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