mom's love
This is a story that happened while I was working in surgical ICU. A very sick young female came in through ER. All the symptoms of a very bad infection somewhere.

After lots of cultures, blood tests, xrays, etc the doctor had a diagnosis. Cancer of the colon. He advised the young woman and her husband that surgery was necessary to twart the spreading of the cancer. She would have to have part of her colon removed and have a colostomy done. After surgery they would commence radiation and chemotherapy.

The patient and husband refused the surgery and treatments due to the fact that they just found out a month or so ago that she was pregnant. The elevation of her hormones made the cancer start to grow and thus the reason for the illness that brought her to the hospital. They refused an abortion. The patient wanted to have her baby and then have the surgery and the treatments started. She could not have the surgery and treatments and remain pregnant because of the poisons of the chemo would harm the child.

She had a healthy boy and when the child was about 3 months or so old she had the surgery and the treatments. By waiting so long to start the treatments, the cancer began to spread. The treatments only slowed down the growth of the cancer and the mestatesis.

This brave lady lost her battle about 2 years later. She valued the life of her unborn child over her own.

The son should be in his late 20 by now. I often wonder if he fully realizes what his mother gave up for him. Her love for him was so great.


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