On the cancer floor you see a lot of people that you wonder how can they live the way they do. One lady comes to mind.

She had cancer of the neck, probably of the thyroid or tonsils. Before she decided to go to the doctor, the cancer had eaten through her neck from mid neck posterior to around to almost her chin. We had to keep dressings on her neck.

She was a stubborn patient and usually took off the dressings and went for walks in the hall. She did not care who saw her. Need I say we got complaints from other patients and visitors. It was a gruesome sight. She had two elementary grade school children. The reconstructive surgeon said that there was nothing he could offer her.

Eventually she went home without any treatment. She waited too long. I guess that she just hated to face the truth. She had to let her mom raise the kids. About two weeks following discharge, she passed on. Ironically

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