While vacationing in west Fla, we (Bill and my daughter Terri) enjoyed the beach and the shops. Best of all we enjoyed the restaraunts. We were eating our dinner, when there was a loud scream across the room from us. I looked to see what was the matter. nosey me! There was a man unconscious on the floor. Terri said Mom you're a nurse, go help him. About that time another woman in the restaruant came over to our table and said let's go see what we can do.

We performed cpr on him. His family said that the man was diabetic and had not taken any of his medication all day and had been drinking a lot that day. We had him sitting up and talking by the time peramedics arrived.

To this day, I can't figure out how that woman knew that I was a nurse because Terri whispered to me when she said help him. She later told me that she worked in ICU at a nearby hospital. I told her that I worked in ICU in an Arkansas hospital.

When you can help someone or help save their life, that is the most wonderful feeling in the world other than holding your child after birth or holding your grandchild. Earlier we had discussed going to another restaruant but came across this steakhouse and changed our minds.

Nursing has it's rewards and well as the heartbreaks. I always cried with the families when we lost a patient. I don't know if any of you have ever been in a room when someone dies. There is such a peaceful feeling within the room as if you should see the patient's soul leaving the shell of a body that they occupied while living on earth. There is peace when you die, I have seen and felt it in nearly all of my patients.

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