Your story about the lady & her shower made me laugh! When I worked in the nursing home here. we had a lady who used her wheel chair like the man you mentioned. Using her feet with tiny little steps. She was all over the home! Her word was "Scottie". That was her son. All day long it was up & down the halls hollering "Sccooootttie, Sccccoooottiiiieeee!" She would go into other peoples rooms & get into stuff. She would eat talc powder & drink lotion. So had to keep a close eye on her. Bath time was a NIGHTMARE for all concerned!!! She would hit, pinch, bite, scratch and cuss like I had never heard, and scream like a banshee. I just knew people thought we were having a massacre in that bathroom! We aides usually came out feeling like we had been in a war, which we had been! She wasn't able to walk, so at that time we used a posey belt to keep her from falling out of her chair or bed. But when she made up her mind to get up, especially out of bed, she was a houdini. Some how she managed to get out of the posey belt & out of bed. Finally managed to fall & break a hip.

AND then there was Dale's cousins wife! I bet she didn't weigh 95# soaking wet with all of her clothes on. She spent hours making her bed, packing & unpacking her suit case. We had to remove all of her clothes from her room, so she wouldn't put them all on at once. I have seen the time when it took 5 aides to subdue her for a shot. Unreal & she was so tiny!!

Sure sad what can happen to our minds as we get older.

Didn't mean to make this so long, but your stories make me recall experiences as a aide.

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