Ready to Go Meet GOD
In working at the hospital for 30 years, you do a lot of teaching to patients about their care in the hospital as well as the care they will need at home. I never thought that I would have had a patient teach me about life. I worked about 13 yrs or so on the cancer wing. Some referred to it as death row or the No Code Blue floor. These people did not work with these precious patients every day like I and my fellow nurses had to.

One day we admitted a lady who was a regular patient coming in for her Chemo that she received every 6 weeks. So you see we get to know these patients like family and feel that way towards them.

I sat on the side of her bed one day when she was having a rough time with her cancer and pain. She told me that she knew the cancer was bad but she did not worry about that. She said that she never looked forward for tomorrow. She lived for today. She said that if she woke to another morning, then she had another today to live for. When you are wracked with pain as she was most of the time, every today was worth living for. I'll never forget her courage that she faced each today. These patients are so full of life that lies underneath the pain, nausea, and the countless days of pure agony.

Didn't mean for this to be so long but it is hard to tell the story of Mrs Jackson. On the day she died, we had to call a Code Blue on her. As I pumped her chest to get her heart working again and another applied oxygen to help her breathe, we brought her back. She reached up and grabbed my hand and said " It is my time to go, God has come today to make it my last today. She removed her hand from mine and she smiled. She closed eyes and welcomed God to come back in. Her todays were no more.

If I get a free moment this weekend I will tell you more.


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