
I have told you all kinds of stories from sad to happy. Now for some of the funny things that have happened and some of them embarrassing. You know sometimes you say things without thinking. I am very guilty of that for sure.

One night we had a cute little senior citizen. He did not have an audible B/P. Alert and well oriented. I heard him talking and went to see who it was since it was after midnight. He was really getting with it , loud talking and such. I could not see anyone so I said " George who in the sam hill are you talking to?" He said " I's talking to my Lord" One foot in mouth on that one.

On a heartmobile run one night we had to meet an ambulance at a certain place along the highway as the patient's home was out of our district. This heartmobile was a new one that replaced the other one. This one not only opened at the back but had sliding doors on the side. When we saw the ambulance, they radioed that the patient was crashing.

When both vehicles came to a stop the nurse in charge slide open the side sliding doors and jumped out with the medical bag in hand. All we heard was a scream. The heartmobile was pulled up on the shoulder of the highway but it was at a steep drop off and the nurse went tumbling down into the gully. The patient lived but it was so hard to keep a straight face during the treatment in the ambulance.

A young lady who had an IV in her right hand and the hand was taped to an IV board to help keep the IV in place. She had to use the bedpan. When she finished and turned the call light on, I went to assist her. She told me " I can't wipe my butt with three fingers" I said " I use toilet paper". Well there is the old foot in mouth disease again. I kept my face straight and cleaned her up and then went down the hall to the lounge and had a good withheld laugh.

One nurse was having a lot of indigestion problems one night. The floor was quiet and you could have heard a pin drop on the carpet. When she was coming back to the desk after answering a light, all you could hear was toots, loud toots, one after the other, each getting louder as she got to the desk and went past it on the way to the bathroom. That was one Jet Propelled Nurse. She was laughing and it made the toots come again and again.

Working in a hospital esp the night shift is like being in church and thinking of something funny and try as hard as you may the laughter comes and the more you try to quit the harder it is.

The nurse who went down the hillside was forever being clumsy. She turned around one day while sitting at the desk and hit her mouth on a doctor's elblow. Her lip blew up like a balloon. He told her to put ice on it. She found a finger cot and put ice in it and put it in her mouth. It was sticking out and in walked the supervisor. The supervisor's face got red and the nurse ran in the opposite direction.

We always knock before entering a patient's room. One nurse knocked on the door but did not wait for the patient to say come in. She found the patient and hubby in bed exercising their marital rights. Needless to say she backed out of the room and refused to go back in.

On the night shift, you use a flashlight to shine in the rooms and on the wall above the patient's head to check on them with out waking them. One night this nurse was making rounds and all of a sudden you heard this loud crash. She has slipped in the patient's feces that was on the floor. She slid down and went clear across the floor and bumped into the overbed table sending it and all contents tumbling down.Boy was she a mess.

Well that is it for now. Have to save some for later and another time.
Duty Log 3

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