Here's a true story too Lee, I had an appendix operation many years ago, and had to remain in the hospital for I think 2 wks. I was a teen ager, At that time the nurses all wore starched white apons and those little hats that sat on top of their heads..

I was in a ward with a few other teens, about 6 I think..We had the cutest nite-nurse, "Parkie" we dubbed her. Her name was Parkinson. She was not much more than a teen herself and was a trainee but had just gotten her cap and new uniform so she had probably just graduated...

What a doll she was and fun too, she would joke and tease us and made the Hospital stay a lot more tolerable.. One nite just as he shift changed, two of the girls in my room where in a minor "tiff" about something, and as the dinner trays were gone, Nancy (across the room from Dorothy and I) kept it up and became annoying to us all.

Dorothy as a rule kept her dessert to eat later, as she needed the nutrition but had a time eating it at dinner time. Nancy would eat her own and everyone else's dessert too. if she could.

Now we were all totally bed-bound, but we would exchange "goodies" by tossing them across the room.

Dorothy had enuff teasing and tossed her gooey chocolate brownie at Nancy, with an exasperated "Here take it" just as "Parkie" came in the door.. she got it square on her chest, on the new uniform.

Poor "Parkie" was so stunned, but she knew Nancy well, and after a gasp, and a scathing look at Nancy, she made her lick it off..Next day we all laughed about it and Nancy hung her head..

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