One night we lost a patient and it was the hospital's policy at the time to leave the patient as he or she died. This patient was in a sitting position with his knees bent. You know with the head of the bed raised and the knees bent in the middle of the bed. We had to leave him in this position until pronounced dead by the doctor.

Well the doctor did not show up before I left at the end of my shift. The day shift said the doctor did not show up until aroung 10:00 am. The patient died about 3 or 4 am that morning. Well the body had rigormortis set in and had to be taken to the morgue in a wheel chair. Now can't you imagine pushing a body down the hall in a wheel chair with a blanket covering his body?

When I returned to work that night, everyone said that I was the laughing stock of the whole hospital. I told them I only followed the procedure and guideline policies of the hospital. The day shift said that they got a lot of stares taking the old gentleman down stairs to the morgue. One employee took the blanket off and then the visitors just thought that he was just sleeping. One visitor said "Boy I wish I could fall asleep anywhere like that man can" Little did he know.

Thank goodness a lot of the policies and rules have changed since then.

Feb. 9, 2004
Duty Log 2

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