Chapter 9

March 1, 2001
Well yesterday was a beautiful day for a ride but decided not to go too far as we got a late start and figured the woods would be very soft from the snow and rain so just took a ride to Cape May Zoo. I took some pictures but goofed on some of the ones that I really thought would be good, so needless to say we will have to go back when it is warmer. Here we are two old ladies both in such pain in our legs and every step I took, I though my knee was going to break apart, Poor Vel, her back we killing her so instead of sitting we must have walked at least a mile around the zoo, It is great for strolling as they have a boardwalk built all around the place and very good sidewalk too. Of course there were a lot of animals that were not outside and also they send some of them to other places for the winter, but we had a very nice time and after we left there drove down to the City of Cape May and went to the point and watched the seagulls.

The ocean was beautiful and very bluish green, and not rough at all. With it being windy, we were surprised the waves were so small. After a while decided we were ready for an early dinner, around 4:30 so just went to a diner for food and a pit stop. Decided to visit my oldest son, since we were right there. He was glad to see us and was showing us his camera etc. I could never afford that (haha) but he does Web Pages for a living and takes pics of something a business might want on their web sites. Anyway, we got home arou 6:45pm. All in all it was a nice day. Sending the pics I took, but like I said, some didn't turn out at all and some had too much sun. Hope next week they will be better. Lots of hugs to all from the wandering grannies.

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