50 Years Ago

Gosh 50 years ago, I was married with 2 children. I remember all of those things, and many others. I remember my Dad got paid in script. to trade for groceries. I remember the CCC camps, and the WPA, when the men made 11.00 a week. I have many fond memories but would have to go back to the late 30's.

The one thing I am happy about is the automatic washers and dryers. Oh how I hated to go outside in the freezing cold and hang up the family wash. I was about 12-13, and the wind was howling, the sheets freezing before I could get them hung up. If it was to windy, my sister had to help me. Mom was doing the wash on a scrub board cause the ringer washer was broke, and we couldn't afford a new washer at that time. boy that was a hard job, ringing out those sheets. I remember doing the wash too, when Mom was sick. When we look back, we all have fond memories. but some of them would make us cringe today. haha.

When you think of the last 50 years, we sure have come a long way baby.LOL.

When asked if the clothes dried in freezing weather Vi answered.

Haha, The sheets froze first, then with the help of the wind and sun, they would finally start flapping in the wind, but when you went out to take them down, they would still be frozen around the clothespins, and sometimes the hems would be still frozen, then we took them inside and hung them on a wooden thing and also would lay them on the radiators. but first had to go down the cellar and stir up the heater to get more heat. maybe have to shake down the coal and add a few shovels full.

LOL, Can't help but laugh, didn't have automatic water heaters back then, had the bucket a day stove next to the heater, sometimes we had to heat big pans of water on the stove first, while waiting for that little heater to make the water hot. Seems like that fire was always out, and had to build a new one. That was a great day when they did away with coal stoves and we had oil, and automatic hot water heaters.

So many improvements since WW2.

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