Tunkasila taught me many things. He taught me how to
plant and how to tend to the vegetables we grew. I
loved to get down in the Earth and plant things and
when the vegetables would grow I was taught to give
thanks to Wakan Tanka. I used to go fishing with
Grandfather and when we would be sitting waiting for
a nibble he would tell me so many things about the
Animals and what they meant and how Special they were and how they and Mother Earth and Father Sky and all
the plants and the rocks and everything were
important and had a purpose and meaning and that all
of these things were meant to be respected. We were
to live in harmony with everything that Creator put
on Mother Earth. I loved it when we went fishing
because Grandfather told me stories and I could never seem to get enough.
When I got a bit older Tunkasila read to me things
that Chief Luther Standing Bear had written. He gave
me a book that he had since he was a young Man that
Chief Luther Standing Bear wrote in 1928. It is a
wonderful book and an original copy and I was so
honored when he gave it to me. I treasure it so very
much. Tunkasila told me of our great Chiefs like
Chief Sitting Bull and Red Cloud and Crazy Horse and all of our Great Leaders. He taught me Prayers of our People and he taught me about our Sacred Ghost Dance and The Sun Dance and why they are important as well as many of the other dances of our Heritage. I could never understand why some were so frightened by dances.These dances are our Sacred Religion. They are Beautiful.
My Grandfather taught me how to ride Horses. That was my favorite thing to do as a child. We had one particular Indian Pinto who's name was Lucky that was my favorite. I could ride him all the time bareback and he was always so gentle with me but when ever another little child would get on him he would throw
them right off. I didn't mean to laugh but I couldn't help it because I always thought that was Lucky's way of saying noone but me of the little ones could ride him. He never ever threw me off. I loved that Horse with all my Heart and I know he loved me too.
There are so many things I could tell about my Tunkasila but that could take many pages and many
Moons to do. I just wanted to say some things and to
pay him a Tribute. I will have many links to other
pages that will take you to pages of Prayers and
Stories and things of that nature that he shared with me. One of my very favorite stories to this day is
The White Buffalo and you will find that here as
well. Thank you for visiting.
Tanyan mani Mitakolapi
Walk well my Friends
My Grandfather died when I was 14. Words can not say
how I felt. I cut my hair off real short. It was the
first time my hair was ever like that. It is a custom of mourning. Then the government came and took me away from my Mother. She was a good Mother but they
had other ideas. They didn't keep me long because I
ran away and was on my own before I was 16 years of
age. It seems history just keeps repeating itself.
Broken Family's, stolen land, another Wounded Knee.
When will it ever end? When will the government ever
learn? I know that my Tunkasila and my whole Family
will all be together again one day. Creator has told
me so.
Techihhila Tunkasila
Techihhila, Mitakuye Oyasin
Please visit the other pages that are part of this
Tribute to my Tunkasila.
I will be adding more on my Oglala Heritage to this
section of my site as time permits so I hope you will check back from time to time.
I would be honored if you would sign the guestbook
that is a new one just for this part of my site.
Choose your destiny from the selection below.
The Legend of The
White Buffalo
The Lakota Story of The Creation of The Universe
The Lakota Story of The Flute
White Feather The Giant-Killer A Dakota Story
The Ghost
The Sundance
Words of Wisdom
from Great Indian Men
Sioux Prayers
Sioux History
Back to page 1
of my Tunkasila
Back to intro
for Tunkasila
Thank You again my Special Friend for this Beautiful
Background Set and picture you did of my Tunkasila.
For You The Eagle
Toksa ake,
White Feather
Feather Bars and Guestbook Graphics by_