This Poem below was written by someone who is very Special to me. His deep Love and Respect for Sitting Bull goes back to when he was just a little boy. He wrote this on the
anniversary of Sitting Bull's death.
December 15th, 1998
Sitting bull died today
an eagle screamed
the power of a nation
the blood
in the snow
he was Indian
he died Indian
A death song is sung
no ceremony
a pauper's grave
a meadowlark sings
"I told you so"
"1831-December 15 1890"
By_Dennis Wangerin
I will not go into much of why this picture above is on my page other then to say these two people in the picture are two who met and conspired against me and slandered me and caused me much Heartache. I have never met such people before. I gave him too much credit and he betrayed me when he took up with her. I Pray daily for their minds that are so twisted. Please beware Friends of people who deceive you on the net with words of love as he did to me only to betray me and she sided with him and she didn't know him utill he decided I was guilty of something I never did. He didn't even give me the Respect of talking to me to even hear my words. I do not lie and I never lied to him and I loved him very much. He sided with a stranger over the one he said he loved out of spite and his imagination.That is sad. I have made many good Friends but these two be very careful of.
The picture above is what he sent me when we first met. My Friend added the picture of her to his picture as they seem to be a team that are on the same path.Then a few months later he sent the picture that is below of what he really looked like so the whole relationship started off with a lie and not on my part. As is obvious the pictures are very different of the man. The thing is I didn't care about the drastic change in his looks it was his way of slandering me falsely that is ugly. I loved him for him. The picture below is current of him which he sent a few months after the first one. If these two would apologize I will remove this but I have been slandered too much. I have had to take legal action because of their viscious lies, her in particular as she sided with him and knew nothing of the truth of his and my relationship and accussed me of lies and she took it upon herself to turn it into the ugly mess it has become for me. So she will have to pay the price for sticking her nose where it didn't belong. So now they have each other. Lie after lie by two white people and two white people who talk of walking the Red Road. This is an insult to American Indians everywhere from every Tribe who do walk The Red Road with Creator and I am standing up against these two and their injustice for all Indians as they did it to me and are more then likely to do it again to another human being no matter what race they may be. Creator will teach them and he will also tell them that they are no where near the Red Road.
Since I added this about my situation the man has attacked another. A very good Friend of mine named Tangledhair and who has Indian Blood....he has slandered him as well. This is not about White and Red.....I love all Races..but this person is giving white people a bad rap by treating Indian People like this. I hope and Pray he learns this must stop and that alcohol is what is contributing to his actions. These two....dennis and jamie need to apologize to me...and dennis needs to apologize to my Friend Tangledhair as well.Tangledhair is an Honorable Man and he didn't deserve this any more then I did. This must stop! You two are wrong!!! May Creator guide you to do the right thing.
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