Message of Thanks to Leonard Peltier and the LPDC from
Mumia Abu Jamal.
January 21, 1999
Ona Move!
We, all of us, give solid thanks to Leonard Peltier and his numerous supporters worldwide, for the principled assistance in France recently. I deeply appreciate it - we ALL do.
Many years ago, when I was doing radio commentary for several Philadelphia college stations, I frequently received taped reports from communications people from AIM (American Indian Movement ), and promptly reported such information to my audience. What I learned was that the U.S. government was waging a vicious and unrelenting war against native people. In (It) was a phase in that war that an innocent Lakota activist, Leonard Peltier was dogged by this government, and framed for murder.
For almost a quarter of a century, this kind and gentle warrior, this artist, this son of his people, has withstood the brutal assaults of the U.S. government, against its own "law," its own constitution, its own precedent.
On February 6, 1999 the calendar will strike 23 long and lonely years in U.S. gulags for Leonard Peltier. Twenty-three years since an overtly illegal extradition from Canada to the U.S. Twenty-three years in a Yankee Iron Cage for the "crime" of resisting American repression.
As we enter a new century, it is past time for us to correct this vile injustice against Leonard Peltier. Let a new century begin with an act of justice for the Oglala people.
Free Leonard Peltier!
Free the MOVE 9! Long Live John Africa!
In the Spirit of Nat Turner
And Crazy Horse!
Ona Move!
From Lois Brooks:
I see injustice everywhere and everywhere I see the people suffering. Most of the time I feel powerless to stop it. Alone this may be so, I may be powerless but together we are powerful. I joined this fast to stop the injustice being done to Leonard Peltier. I am fasting to say NO you can't do this anymore. I am fasting to say you must END THE TORTURE OF LEONARD PELTIER NOW! I am fasting to say give Leonard Peltier immediate proper medical care at the Mayo Clinic. I am fasting to say to those doing the torture, we are watching you. Alone I am one tiny voice barely heard, but together with all of us you are involved in this, those who are fasting some for one day, some for two, some for the duration and those who are not fasting but are praying and helping and writing letters, making calls, and are joining their spirits to this cause, all of us will be heard. Each one of us are doing what we are able and all of it matters. Each supporter is a vital part of this. Whatever you are doing is essential.
I believe that when people come together like we are, our spirits meet on a higher frequency and that spirit sting that binds us together with Leonard Peltier makes us strong. Each act is a victory. Every time someone learns about Leonard Peltier it is a victory. So we are victorious already and we continue our struggle for justice and freedom for Leonard Peltier who has suffered for 23 years in prison and is suffering now. Let the suffering end. Together we can change things. It is the only way. Thanks to everyone who is taking part in this fast. I am honored to be counted among you.
Knowledge if power!
Lois Brooks
February 6, 1999
As I start this first day of my fast, I am left to wonder. I wonder how a "great nation" can starve and opress a man so ... how he can be abused and neglected the way he has been.
This fast was originated as a way to draw attention to Leonard Peltier's urgent medical condition, and the lack of competent medical treatment for his condition. Would you want your father, brother, uncle, or grandfather treated in such a way? Would you do whatever it took to ensure his rights as a human being? Or would you let him waste away, spending his every waking moment in excrusiating pain?
Me personally? I would do whatever was in my power to help him. Whether he was a prisoner of society, or a prisoner of war. I would starve myself just to share his pain ... letting him know that i stand with him. Not before him, and not behind him ... with him. I would let people know of his situation in order for him to get the attention he needs. I would give him my heart so that his would not ache. I would love him as my Lakota brother.
Leonard Peltier has spent the last 23 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He has been taken from his family, his home, his beliefs ... his life. He must now eat through a straw because of the condition his jaw is in. And all I ask is WHY?? Why should he not be allowed the medical attention that he deserves? Other prisoners, committers of unspeakable wrongs, have been allowed to leave the prison (under guard) to gain medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Why should he not be given the same right? How can ANYONE sit by and watch this man in such pain? He is not such a monster that a "great nation" should be so leery of him. He is a man. A man who desperately needs help. Put yourself in his shoes. Would you concede your way of life, or your beliefs because someone told you to? Leonard has stood up for what he believes in ... his people. And for that he has been treated like a monster. I say that those who would neglect this man, or ANY man for that matter, would have to be the monster.
To Ms. Kathleen Hawks: Madam, as a single mother of three girls I ask you ... how can you sit calmly while a man dies slowly and painfully at your hands? Are you that heartless? That cruel? Would you want your children to know that you are such a monster? How would you explain this to your children? "Well, he had to pay for a crime that he didn't commit. He was an indian, so he didn't matter much. He didn't need what the 'white man' needs, so we let him waste away."
I would hope that if you have children you would think about the fact that they may not be so "upstanding" as they get older. Maybe one day one of your children will be imprisoned. Maybe one day one of your children will be neglected and starved to death ... left to slowly die an agonizing death, or live a miserable existence. Maybe one day you will open your eyes and put yourself in Leonard's shoes. Maybe one day you will have a small glimmer in your dark heart and let this man get the treatment he needs before it is too late. Maybe one day you won't be such a monster.
My final stement to you madam is this ... I DEMAND THE END
In Solidarity,
Tina Evans
From anthony chaveZ
A Prayer for Those Making the Sacrifice of Hunger
it is me, the man who can eat when he is hungry, who has all that he needs to live and to keep his children alive, who has been blessed with bountiful harvests year in and year out, who has all of his needs met, and who has stumbled many times on this Road while in distraction by his wants.
it is me standing here now before you in hopes that you will recognize me as one of your own; for i must tell you of your other children who are selflessly doing your Work. they are standing up for our brother Leonard, denying themselves food and sustenance, comfort and security, so that the world will know of his suffering, what he has endured because he too does Creator's work. now they are moved to put themselves at risk; some will even choose death rather than allow our brother to remain in chains a moment longer.
please hear this prayer of mine, an expression of my belief in your Way of All Things, and that it be pleasing to You that they do for their Brother now in the same Spirit as they have for all of the other Brothers and Sisters in captivity throughout the ages; please watch over them and allow them to walk with clarity, with strength, and with openess to your Voice all along the Way.
nothing we do outside of your Way leads to much. we can become lost and confused, tangled up in our smallness. please watch over us always as we struggle together. may you bless us with the patience, endurance, and calmness of mind and heart to find the right things to do in this struggle ahead, that we find the correct ways to support each and every one of those who are willing to take on the sacrifice of hunger.
i especially ask of You to bless the hearts of those who are willing to perish for the sake of their Brother. may there be peace for them, ultimately, no matter how things go. and if we are to be saddened by their passing over, that we will be strengthened in our resolve to continue doing your work. standing with them, mindful of all the blessings you have shared with us that have brought us to this place today, i am your son.
anthony chaveZ
From Iosu Fernandez:
Greetings from the Basque Country for all people who is participating in the solidarity fast for Leonard.
Greetings to Leonard and all the political prisoners.
Greetings also to all the people who from the institutions in the US are not giving the proper care that Leonard's health deserves.
Governments use people who work in this institutions to shut up the voice of the people who fight against the injustice. I will fast specially to make these people who work in the US institutions open their eyes.I Will fast specially for those who close their eyes, for those who doesn't want to see
February 6, 1999
Reading Leonard's statement... Moved me deeply.. and gave me strength to go for the 4 days... no food just juices and fluids... I thank you Leonard and I'm honored to fast for you ... and all people.. AND THIS COUNTRY..
I Love this Country But we all have a tendency to sit back and let the government run it self i think... I for one don't even watch the news any more... I just get tired of it all... such conflicting natures we have... And men like our presidents that have so much power that we gave them...I don't understand this power...
I went up on a hill this summer... and had dreams... but one scared me so... I was in the Black hills in south dakota... I dreamed the hills where red with blood and had dead eye watching us... before I left the black hills I saw this dream in the clouds over a mountain in the sunset... but also in the clouds I saw a herd of buffalo's all white running into a waterfall... I was so moved by this... but i was not afraid any more of my dream... and now i see it as the heart of turtle Island watching us... and she is sending a whole herd of white buffalos to help us be strong... I had alot of dreams up on that hill and i will go back again soon...
I have rewrote this a few time not sure what to say...
We all suffer, some more then others..
But I believe in this country..
it is not the country it is the men that run it ..
but we as a people have the right to vote and disagree with the leadership..
I believe what has happen to Leonard could happen to any of us..
We just can't sit back and let it keep happening over and over...
and i believe it will wake up and do the right thing...
on every dollar...
really... One GOD ...
From Gorka:
Fast has started in Barcelona - Catalunya Country in Spanish State.
Ona Move,
Dear friends, brothers & sisters My fast has begun, my best wishes of healt and freedom to all, specially to Leonard Peltier.
The world is watching!!!
From Bill Boemmels:
Let me begin my statement by expressing my appreciation for my fellow fasters, our support network, the LPDC and the LPSN's across the country as well as all of you strong hearted people who are neither fasting nor in the support network, but share our love for our brother Leonard and our immutable desire to see him treated medically and ultimately set FREE!!!
My interest and involvement was reignited about 6 months ago during a search of the web for genealogical data. While searching I ran into a link to a site on Leonard's status. I was appalled and saddened. I became angry with myself for losing track of the situation for so long. I decided I needed to get involved in, if nothing else, spreading the word.
I fumbled around on my own for a while, writing letters and asking friends and relatives to do the same. Were they just humoring me when they said they would, well I have no way to know. (If you are reading this and were humoring me, or someone else who may have asked, then shame on you! Get off your ass and do something now, please!)
I contacted the LPDC and was put in touch with the Leonard Peltier Support Group / Greater New England. I would like to reaffirm my support to both groups here and now. I am impressed with the dedication and love that I witnessed at the meeting that I attended and would thank Jonathan and Rebecca at LPSG/GNE for bringing me into their circle and making me feel welcome.
Now, on to our purpose.
The fire has been lighted. Let us fan it into a conflagration the likes of which has never been seen before. Our brother Leonard has served 23 years in prison for his desire to protect his "family". Imagine being put in jail for defending your house or family.
The extradition was based on lies and phony documents presented to the government of Canada. A broken trust, how do we maintain a diplomatic relationship on that basis. Did you think you could get away with it! Canada, please release the report on the investigation of the extradition of Leonard Peltier. Show the world that someone understands the difference between truth and cover up.
Ms Kathleen Hawk and the Bureau of Prisons, I challenge you to step forward and treat this man, this human being, to the medical attention that he requires. How can Leonard's medical condition be ignored in a system, which claims to be both humane and rehabilitative.
Members of Congress and The Senate, shame on you! How is it that you can sit by and watch this tragedy play out without getting involved? Why does a man, who cannot be proven guilty of a crime greater than "aiding and abetting an act of self-defense", sit in a tiny cell serving out two life sentences. A little harsh, don't you think! Why is he denied medical treatment for a condition, which keeps him in constant pain? Let's put a little pressure on the Bureau of Prisons to allow the Mayo Clinic to treat this man and a little nudge of the Executive branch to answer the request for Executive Clemency.
William Jefferson Clinton, How is it that a request for Executive Clemency, a process that would normally take 90 days, sit on your desk for five years. Did we forget our campaign promise or was that just another untruth. We can handle it, just be straight with us. After all, the United States has not honored one single treaty or agreement with the indigenous peoples since we discovered you.
Al Gore, you aspire to the office of President
.Don't expect my vote. You've already demonstrated the apathy that
I find less than desirable. The Owls may have their nests, but a noble hawk is unjustly caged in Leavenworth.
This is a call to action, are any of you listening. Well, we will see and adjust accordingly on Election Day.
Bill Boemmels
You have the key to unlock the door, that will allow our suffering innocent brother Leonard Peltier, go receive the medical treatment he requires...Open It Now !!
Tonight I am on the verge of entering my 7th day of the fast. I just ended my evening prayers for my brother Leonard Peltier and also my fasting brothers and sisters. I picked up my drum and sang a power song. To ask The Creator to give me renewed strength, wisdom and the words to share, that might help the ones with deaf ears to listen and cold hearts to thaw. To look justly instead of unjustly, to really reflect on true pain and suffering and to FEEL that pain that can no longer be tolerated!
I have followed Leonard Peltier and his fight for 23 yrs now. I cannot believe in a Country that professes truth, justice, freedoms of speech, equality and God as its foundation, that this even happened! Let alone lasted the 23 yrs. Where in this case is there any justice? Since the trials there were no truths wanting to be heard. Leonard's freedom of speech was denied. you even comprehend the meaning? I do know you understand the meaning of prejudice, for any other prisoner that requires medical attention and receives it. Yet our red brother is denied! The Mayo Clinic has already said they could ease his pain and perform the surgery HE MUST HAVE !! And still you say no? On what grounds? Is this your justice?
I am a wife, mother and grandmother. Leonard has a wife and children also. Do you have a family? What would it do to your children, knowing the parent they love was in excruciating pain and dying and NO one cared enough to get him medical attention? I wounds my heart to think that these children will give up, on a country who does not live by their own words. But I don't blame them. But I do blame a Government who has purposely denied medical attention to an innocent man !!
Tomorrow and the next day and the next, I will continue to fast for our brother Leonard. For as long as it may take or until my body will no longer function. Until you realize he deserves his rights to medical corrective surgery. It is Leonard Peltiers time to heal !!
I am disabled and I require several medications to keep my muscles and tendons from intense pain and to function half way properly. This I have ceased during the fast. I will suffer with my brother, side by side till he receives medical relief. But this is nothing to what our brother has sacrificed. One day soon, I pray that he will be set free, to soar with the strength of an Eagle, with honor and return to his family and the people that love him.
Kikta yo!! (Wake Up!!)
We are one people in Solidarity ....Laurie Good Hands Woman
My name is Pilar. I was born in a place called Spain. I growed up there, and now I live in another little place called Basque Country. I growed up surrounded by the hapiness of having a family, and a place where , I thought, I belonged to. I had a father who taught me to listen, to respect and to learn from other cultures different than the one existing here.
Beeing a little kid I become aware of what had happened with those Nations my father used to teach me about. I become aware of the injustice that was being commited. It was later when I started to participate in a more political struggle, it was then when I knew that a man called Leonard Peltier had been framed and sentenced for something he had never done. Just for being Indian. Just for being defending his People. Just because he raised his voice against the injustice ...And it was then when I realized I couldn't keep myself quiet. The struggle is being long but he ramains in prison. I've tried to help over these years spreading the word about his case. I'm proud of my little part in this struggle because people in this part of Mother Earth is beginning to be concerned about him. But that was just talking. Now it was time to act. What we are asking for has nothing to do with his judicial case. We are asking for medical treatment. The treatment that every living being deserves. Last week I heard about a white owl from Russia that had been sent to London in order to have an special surgery because he couldn't see, because he was blind. I'm happy our little winged brother will have a better life now. And I guess al of you received the new with an smile in your face. Even Mrs. Hawk. But meanwhile she's letting our brother Leonard suffer excruciating pain. It's up to her that Leonard receives the treatment he needs,...It would be so easy to stop his suffering! Just a phone call, maybe a little signature...How is it possible?, How could any person deny the proper medical treatment to other human person? Unless she is deliberately willing to kill him.... It's human rights what we are talking about. And the president and congresspersons of the US seem to know very well about this matter, at least out of their boundaries...
That's why I'm fasting for. Because I'm fed up of their hypocrisy. Because it's time for justice. Because this justice is no blind like our little brother owl was. Because Leonard is suffering. Because I love him so much. Because I love you all.
Basque Country
The International Leonard Peltier Solidarity Fast/Hunger
Strike 2/12 statement by Rachel Carey-Harper
On Feb 20th I will begin a hunger strike to get Leonard Peltier the medical attention he so desperately needs and hopefully eventually his freedom. It is evident by the facts that these have unjustly been taken away and withheld from him by a corrupt system intent on its own preservation, profit and power. My fast will be a spiritual exercise with this human rights objective. I will pray for the people that put him and keep him in this situation, the widows of the slain FBI agents and ordinary citizens of the United States. I pray for changes in hearts and minds; that they might be open. I pray that truth and respect guide all our lives. And I pray that people, myself included, have the strength to overcome any fear of losing the privilege or power that comes from white supremacy.
At a sunrise to sunset prayer vigil in Hyannis, MA on 2/6/99 a poster from the Mashpee Leonard Peltier Support group said "Free Leonard and Free Ourselves". Freeing Leonard and freeing all of the political prisoners in the US (or giving them new, fair trials with juries of their peers), is essential for as the well known slogan says, "you can't have peace if you don't have justice".
Freeing ourselves means, for those of us of European decent, living lives that don't perpetuate injustice and oppression. Our falsehoods are all around us and the truth is that we can't be free while we are living a lie. There are thousands, perhaps millions of examples of these falsehoods. We learned that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb when Lewis Howard Latimer, a black man, invented the filament without which it would be little more then a glass ball. Plus, everyone whose ancestors came from Europe, has benefited from a system of white privilege and supremacy. This is the underlying reason that Leonard has been in prison for 23 years and is denied essential medical treatment. There are four reasons that we continue to live in lies; ignorance, closed mindedness, fear and not knowing how to do it differently. Fear is an emotional closing in, a tightening. Love is an opening out, faith a letting go. Once white people overcome this fear our lives become richer with new experiences. Once we overcome the fear we start to do things differently. We notice the race, gender and class of the experts to whom we listen, notice how white supremacy is playing out in our live. We learn about and address issues with the prison-industrial complex, and take action to overcome injustice freeing Leonard Peltier with our letters, faxes and prayers.
Ultimately people without color must come to realize how very much we benefit from this system. Lucretia Mott said in regards to slavery "Our clothing is a stained with the blood of the slave". Just so today; third-world women, living in virtually slave conditions, are making our clothing and shoes. And it's true in the US in a figurative sense, for from the earliest grades those of us of European decent have preferential treatment which leaves people of color at the economic bottom. Where we predominate, schools have plenty of books, there are adequate doctors and jobs, cheaper food, the list goes on.
Why change? Why not protect white privilege and resist change with every means possible, even incarcerate an innocent man? What's in it for us? The answer is, first, because change is a fact of life. Second, if our lives are built upon lies who are we? Are we the people we really want to be? Is this the ideal for future generations? The implications are extreme. One that is less obvious is that living a lie disconnects us from our spiritual path. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our world was surrounded with peace, beauty and faith. Isn't that what we really want?
As earthquakes tear the fabric of the land, so the violence of oppression and injustice shred the harmony of inner peace. Ultimately, the agents of oppression and our whole society suffer spiritually in immense proportions. We become alienated from the roots of our being. If we are willing to open our eyes, often the suffering and pain of victims can be seen. The problem of this behavior for those who perpetuate it however is hidden, even from themselves; like a fatal disease that has no symptoms. The pain of survivors sometimes lasts a lifetime. Many people who act in oppressive ways and those who collude with them don't realize that until properly addressed, the injury connected to their spiritsoul will effect every instant of their future in this lifetime and the next. We have a responsibility for the atrocities that our systems perpetrates whether it is Leonard Peltier in particular or the death penalty.
It would be wonderful if the hunger strike is a catalyst to free the political prisoners in the US and build a society of love, truth, joy and respect. Life is short and the power to bring this about rests with us.
To be true to the spirit is to be truly free.
Rachel Carey-Harper
SOLIDARITY FAST STATEMENT of Reid Jenkins For release:
February 14, 1999 (A.M.)
How much time must a man serve for an unsolved crime? In the case of Leonard Peltier it just passed the 23 year mark. The United States government admits that it does not know who killed the two FBI agents Peltier was convicted of killing, but he is a political prisoner and for that reason our government is not playing by the rules. People all over the world have cried out about this injustice. I believe that it has helped. I don't believe that Leonard would be alive today were it not for his supporters, but we need to do more.
My hat is off to Arthur J. Miller and those who've helped organize this SOLIDARITY FAST/HUNGER STRIKE. I'm the coordinator of the Leonard Peltier Support Group in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm participating in this hunger strike because I know so many people have worked so hard and for so long to win Leonard's freedom only to find disappointment after disappointment. There are times when support for Leonard is strong and there are times when support is not so strong. Now is a time when support is strong. We need to do all that we can now because Leonard needs us more than ever. He has done more for us than most of us will ever realize. He has handled his imprisonment with great strength and integrity, believing as he has always said that it is the people who will get him out. We are the people and it's up to us. He has given selflessly from his heart since he was a teenager to help his people and he continues his work from prison. His work for Indian people is good for all of humanity.
The U.S. Bureau of Prisons (B.O.P.) refuses to allow proper medical treatment of a problem aggravated by one of the prison doctors at the B.O.P.'s Springfield Medical Facility. Peltier was transferred to the Springfield facility in 1996 for long overdue treatment of a problem with his jaw. Dr. Collins, a surgeon there, examined Leonard and told him that he was going to recommend a transfer to the Mayo Clinic. The B.O.P. ignored this advice. Dr. Collins performed two operations and Leonard almost died. He was in a coma for fourteen hours. He underwent five days of radiation treatment which makes no medical sense at all. His mouth is now stuck in a position where it's open a quarter of an inch. He cannot chew his food and the prison refuses to accomodate him with a special diet.
Leonard has been in great pain for about three years. His condition is serious and needs to be treated now. Doctor Eugene Keller of the Mayo Clinic has reviewed Peltier's medical records, says that the condition is correctable and has volunteered to perform the operation. Warden Booker has said that he can't transfer Leonard to Mayo because it would be a security risk, but Mayo Clinic has a contract with the Bureau of Prisons and prisoners are sent there all the time, some of whom are dangerous as well as high profile. Leonard refuses of course to be transferred back to Springfield. He filed a medical malpractice lawsuit last summer. It was dismissed in October.
I'm happy to report that there are five other people in my support group who have committed to participate in this hunger strike and have committed to continue fasting (in shifts) until Leonard receives proper medical treatment.
Greetings my dear Brothers and Sisters Around the World !
My name is Darlene,and I am of Choctaw/Cherokee descent. Today, I too, begin my fast with hope and prayers for our dear Brother Leonard to receive the medical attention/care that he so desperately needs. My heart weeps with sadness knowing of the agony he is enduring at the hands of this government...there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for the Bureau of Prisons to continue to ignore this man's medical needs! Doctors at the Mayo Clinic have offered their expertise to help our Brother, and yet, the BOP continues to deny this lifesaving care. WHY ? For that answer...we can only speculate...
I admire you, fellow solidarity warriors...each of you, from all around the world, have made this committment to fast and pray until our dear Brother is sent to the Mayo Clinic for treatment. I pray it will be soon. Leonard has sacrificed so much for his has now been 23
long years that Leonard has been in the Iron House. Each year, at Sundance, we hope to see our Brother back among the dancers...back with his family...his friends...his has been too long! I fear for our Brother ! He needs this medical care so desperately !
A word to Ms.Kathleen Hawk : We are STRONG ! We are DETERMINED ! We are MANY...from the Four Directions, we come to beg of you to end the torture of our Brother Leonard ! We will fast until he is in the Mayo Clinic. Some of us are old, and sick...some with terminal illness, but we love our Brother and will not cease our actions until he is receiving the medical treatments he must have to survive. I do not want to DIE, but I WILL DIE, as will many of my Brothers and Sisters from around the world, unless you find the place in your heart that allows you to realize what grave injustices are being perpetuated upon our Brother and see that he is given the treatment at the Mayo Clinic. Ms. Hawk, are you prepared to have the deaths of HUNDREDS around the world on your conscience ? You WILL have, unless immediate action is taken to end this Fast/Hungerstrike by seeing that our Brother receives his treatment ! I pray to Tunkashila each day for our Brother, and for the people who are keeping him from the treatment he needs to survive. I pray that your
heart will speak to you and allow you to understand what torture you are inflicting on our Brother and seek to end it.
Brothers and Sisters around the world...I extend my hands to join our solidarity circle...We will continue our Fast... We will continue to Pray...and we will continue to Hope. THE TORTURE OF LEONARD PELTIER MUST END NOW !
Most Respectfully Submitted,
Darlene Holland-Hayter
Acting President,Native American Indian Center, Inc. Citrus/Levy Counties, Florida
Leonard Peltier is a political prisoner in the United States.
The issue of whether he should be in jail or not is in itself a subject of debate. However, one thing is certain: Lepnard Peltier is in urgent need of medical treatment and the Federal Governement is withholding it from him. He is unable to eat solid food and liquified food is not being provided for him. In short, he is being starved to death by the bureau of prisons.
The well-respected Mayo Clinic has offered to provide all medical treatment for Mr. Peltier for free, yet the government refuses to allow him access to treatment.
This is a violation of international human rights treaties which the United States has agreed to and signed. Right now, there are international efforts being made to draw attention to Mr. Peltier's imminent death due to negligence.
It is my hope that there will be continued and expanding awareness of this man's situation and that such publicity will force the government to allow Mr. Peltier the medical treatment he so desperately needs.
This is a news story of great significance, as the United States must demonstrate to the world whether or not it recognizes human rights for its citizens.
We, the fasters and supporters engaged in solidarity efforts for Mr. Peltier, will not stop our efforts until Leonard has received the medical attention he needs.
Feel free to reply if you'd like more information on this effort and I'll supply you with what I have.
In Solidarity with the Hunger Striker - Rob los Ricos
Cathie Dever's Fast Statement,evening,Feb.16
First may I say hang on everybody.We are going to get Leonard to the Mayo Clinic.The feeling is as strong as ever.
The minute I heard about the fast,I knew I was in.After years of writing letters to Washington,and seeing nothing happen,I decided it was time to contact the L.P.D.C.After being in contact with them for a while now and countless more letters sent to D.C.without any results,I figured I would become more vocal.After being labled all kinds of things from family and friends(lunitic,tree hugger,jerk,Crazy Indian)I realized if I didn't take this opportunity to truly show my support,I may as well add hypocrit to the list.I have always told my children that if you do nothing else,make sure you never back away from what you believe in.Many people thought it was okay to tell people about Leonard as long as I didn't get involved.I couldn't live with myself if I made that choice.I will continue to stand up and do what I can as long as I am able.
I have shed many tears for this silent warrior,and I'm sure I will cry many more.Sometimes,when I'm eating and I realize I'm chewing,the tears run down my face because we all take it for granted.Leonard should be able to take it for granted too,I will gladly go without food and deal with the consequences when necessary.
To all of you who have sent me wonderful messages of love,solidarity and support,I say meegwich.I couldn't have done it without you and I truly mean that.
Strenth to all,United we stand
Recently college students saved a man on Death Row in Illinois by taking on his case and thus pointed out the glaring inhumanity of the capital punishment system in America. The system can and has allowed the death penalty to be perpetrated against the African-American and other races in an unjust proportion. The system has allowed the art of winning an argument to overrun any semblance of justice served. And the system has demonstrated time and time again that the institutions are designed for a weak attempt at societal restitution. All we end up with are blame-who-you-can and disposable human attitudes. The case of Leonard Peltier is no different.
Leonard Peltierıs unjust imprisonment and torture is an example of all-out war in the field of jurisprudence in America. Jurisprudence does not mean justice, rather it means a system of protecting good olı boys, maintaining a patronizing and ethnocidal structure of social control and allowing genocide to continue. In Leonardıs case we have all these things but recently he has been subject to ongoing and excruciating pain because the corrections system wonıt allow Leonard access to free and professional medical care. We demand that Leonard be allowed to heal his body. For this we fast!
Cliff Alles-Curie, A-shig-a-ning [Michigan] - 7063 Brewer, NE, Rockford, MI 49341
In our world today, we are faced with many different struggles. The children toiling their days away in swestshops. The continuing policies of genocide against the indigenous people of the world. The madness of industrialization for power and greed that is overwheming our world. Racism, classism, environmental rape, cultural and ethnic genocide, religious imperialism, senseless exploitation of the people and Mother Earth, the list of the suffering is almost endless. Each wrong should be addressed and a voice given to all that suffer so much in our world. There comes a time when the voices of the suffering must speak as one. A time when we all let the forces that seek to dominate us know that we can join together in a bond of solidarity and speak as one. Such a time is upon us in the case of Leonard Peltier. The reason is that, in the case of Leonard Peltier, the government is blatanting saying that the U.S. Constitution, all human rights, fair play and justice does not apply to Leonard. And because Leonard has been victimized in the iron house, now for 23 years, and his spirit will not break they government is now outright torturing him. The government is making their own statement that there are no limits to what they are willing to do to break the spirit of resistance. For that reason we need to speak out on Leonard's behalf, and in doing so we are speaking out for all those who suffer and resist. For Leonard's spirit of resistance does not stand alone, but rather is connected to the spirit of resistance of all people. What they are willing to do to Leonard is what they are willing to do anyone who will not allow their spirit to be broken.
Leonard's situation is desperate and because few would listen it was felt that a desperate act was needed to motivate and mobilize people to act. For this reason the Leonard Peltier Solidarity Fast/Hunger Strike was organized. Many people from different parts of the world have joined together in this action. I am honored to be among these people. In our sacrifice we hope that we are able to move enough people to continuous action that the Bureau Of Prisons will come to understand that a unitied voice of struggling people will speak out against the torture of Leonard, and that, not only will this voice not fade away, but it will continue to get stronger until Leonard is at the Mayo Clinic under treatment.
For 14 days now others and myself have gone without any food. To me this seems but a small sacrifice next to the 23 years of suffering Leonard has been forced to endure. Still, we are commited to continuing this action for as long as it takes. We ask in great respect for your support. Please every day send an e-mail message to: Ms. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, Director, Bureau Of Prisons at: and and ask that Leonard Peltier be allowed treatment by Dr. Keller at the Mayo Clinic. Also, We also have going a FOUR DAYS OF PHONE CALLS FOR LEONARD PELTIER, Feb. 19, 22, 23 and 24. Please call the BOP at: (202) 307-3198. Thank you.
In The Spirit Of Unity And Action
Arthur J. Miller
John Moss"Crow Wolf" fast/hunger strike statement...Feb.20 am
Hello brothers and sisters,hunger strikers,fasters and supporters, I, like all the rest of you am fasting for Leonards health and freedom. First let me explain a few things.
I have been employed by the department of corrections in the state of Alabama for over nine years. I know a great deal about how these people operate, while they are not all bad people, most of them tend to be Power Hungry, manipulative, insecure and very small minded.I'm speaking of the administrators such as Wardons,directors and supervisors.
I am not trying to be negative but we should all be prepared for a long hard fight.
People in authority in any kind of prison setting do not like to have their authority challenged. As a matter of fact,most administrators treat the officers under their command almost as poorly as they do the inmates.I have met very few who have any concern whatsoever for anyone other than themselves. The department of corrections has a tendency to draw certain personality types ( Hitler etc).
I'm not trying dampen anyone's spirits but I think everyone should know what we are up against. It is not going to be easy but then no one ever said it would be.
I have been fasting four days on and three days off. I will continue this cycle until Leonard has received the medical treatment he so desperately needs. I will smudge and pray every morning and evening for Leonard and all the wonderful souls who are participating in this show of unity.Keep the Circle strong. Pray for one another and never give up because there is a better day comming.
Always remember that there was a time when Indian religious practices were against the law. We have overcome many of these things but just because we have won the few battles, does not mean we have won the war!! So I urge you to keep your faith and take coverage. Keep in mind that it is not only justice in our lifetime that we seek, it is also for the generations to come.
Follow your heart and stay strong
Your Brother John"CrowWolf"Moss
Many of 500 years, to be on fight!!!!
02 - 21 - 1999
00,00 hours
Fast has started again in Barcelona - Catalunya Country.
Ona Move,
Dear friends, brothers & sisters
My fast has begun again, my best wishes of health and freedom to all, specially to Leonard Peltier.
The world is watching!!!
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