This Beautiful Gift Is From My Dear Sister And Friend La Louve Who Is A Very Special Friend To Me. Thank You La Louve My Friend And Sister Forever.
~The American Indian And The Wolf~
Wolves have long been regarded by American Indians as
teachers or pathfinders.Wolves are fiercely loyal to their
mates,and have a strong sense of family while maintaining
their individualism.Wolves are probably the most
misunderstood of the wild animals.We have heard many tales
of coldbloodedness,in spite of their friendly,social and
intelligent traits.They are truely free spirits even though
their packs are highly organized.They actually will go out
of their way to avoid a fight,which is rarely necessary
when just a shift in posture,a glance or a growl will get
the point across rather quickly.According to old
tradition,someone with Wolf Medicine has a strong sense of
self,and can communicate quite well through subtle changes
in voice inflection and with body movements.They many times
can find new solutions to problems,while providing
stability and the kind of support that one would normally
associate with a family structure.
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My Dear Friend La Louve
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