@Copyright 2000 Wiyaka Ska

You will find many things here. There are pages on Wolves as well as Eagles and Buffalos. All wonderful Gifts that The Great Spirit has given to us to share Mother Earth with and to be Brother's and Sister's To. We must all do whatever we can to protect and save Them from harm. We were meant to live as one. We must Cherish and Respect Them as it was meant to be.

You will also find many things here about American Indians, especially on my Oglala Heritage. All things here are close to my Heart. I have walked with The American Indian Movement for 34 years and you will see much of my political activism here as well. I fight for all Indian Rights and Leonard Peltier is a Brother I have fought for everyday in one way or another for the past 30 plus years. Please join in this fight to help obtain justice for this innocent Man. As Leonard has said you too can become an army of one! I hope you will enjoy your visit.
I will always be adding new things to my site so stop back by sometime.

Toksa ake
White Feather/ Wiyaka Ska

"We have a biological father and mother, but our real Father is Tunkashila (Creator) and our real Mother is the Earth."
--Wallace Black Elk, Lakota

"Peace... comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness, with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the Universe dwells Wakan-Tanka, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us."

....Black Elk (Hehaka Sapa) OGLALA SIOUX

@Copyright 2003 Wiyaka Ska

@Copyright 2000 Wiyaka Ska

If a man loses anything and goes back and looks carefully for it he will find it.

Sitting Bull

Thank you to my Special Friend for this Beautiful Gift of Chief Sitting Bull. Chief Sitting Bull was one of the Best Men to ever walk Mother Earth.
This picture is protected by copyright as are all of the graphics on my site that are made by myself and by my Special Friend and are not to be taken. Please respect this! Some have not and have stolen without asking could they use! Thank You.

@Copyright 2003 Wiyaka Ska

@Copyright 2003 Wiyaka Ska

Sioux Indian Prayer

O' Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.

Let Me Walk In Beauty,and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make My Hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice.

Make Me Wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.

Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

I Seek Strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy-myself.

Make Me Always Ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So When Life Fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

Chief Yellow Hawk

The beauty of the trees,
the softness of the air,
the fragrance of the grass,
speaks to me.

The summit of the mountain,
the thunder of the sky,
the rhythm of the sea,
speaks to me

The faintness of the stars,
the freshness of the morning,
the dewdrop on the flower,
speaks to me.

The strength of fire,
the taste of salmon,
the trail of the sun,
and the life that never goes away,
they speak to me.

And my heart soars.

Chief Dan George

Join my American Indian Politics and Music Newsgroup

Please help our Indian Children.....Click the link below.

North American Indian Children's Organization




The LEONARD PELTIER SOLIDARITY ACTION CIRCLE is a group of thousands of people from all over the World who stand United and In Solidarity with LEONARD PELTIER. February 6th 2005 was the beginning of LEONARD'S 30th year in prison for a crime he did NOT commit.

Please join us as we seek justice for LEONARD PELTIER to see that he is granted Executive Clemency. Click the link above LEONARD'S picture to take you to the information that will tell you what you can do to help. Please join us and let your voice be heard to help LEONARD. This injustice must end!!

In Solidarity,
White Feather

"I am undestroyed!" - Leonard Peltier

Click Here For The Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

@Copyright 1999 Wiyaka Ska

"The only thing I'm guilty of, and which I was convicted for, was being Chippewa and Sioux blood and for believing in our sacred religion."
Statement of Leonard Peltier at his sentencing.

PLEASE Sign The Petition Demanding Clemency For Leonard Peltier. Thank You!

Clemency for Leonard Peltier Petition


Read Peter Worthington's May 30th, 1999 Interview done at Leavenworth prison with Leonard Peltier. I also have information on this page on how to purchase Leonard's newly released Book
"Prison Writings, My Life Is My Sundance"

Read Darrin Wood's 1991 Interview with Leonard Peltier just released March 8th 1999 for the first time in English. It is compelling!

Click here for Leonard Peltier Information

@Copyright 1999 Wiyaka Ska
Eddie Hatcher, Politcal Prisoner

Please follow the link below to Eddie's Website to read about Eddie and the charges against him. Eddie is a political prisoner who is innocent! The charges against him is the real crime! Eddie needs all of the support that he can get so please see what you can do to help! His life is in danger!! His trial began on April 30, 2001 and an INNOCENT Man could be sentenced to die! Please...do NOT allow this to happen!

UPDATE: On Thursday, May 24, 2001

Eddie Hatcher was found guilty and given a life sentence.......this is NOT acceptable!! Speak out on this injustice!

How many innocent people are YOU going to allow this Government to harrass, incarcerate and sometimes murder? Stand up for the rights of all political prisoners!

Don't think that something like this that has happened to all of the Men on this page can't happen to you or someone you know...it can! Please do what you can to help!

Pilamaya, White Feather

Click Here For Eddie Hatcher's Website

Help Free MUMIA ABU JAMAL!!! Another innocent Man who has been held in prison as a political prisoner for a crime he did NOT commit!!!


An urgent action alert from Peninsula Peace and Justice Center.


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge has just signed a death warrant for Mumia Abu-Jamal, setting an execution date of December 2. Leonard Weinglass, Mumia's lead attorney, will be filing a habeus corpus appeal�in Federal Court on Friday October 15, 1999.



For more information and updates, contact:
Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal at
(415) 821-0459 or visit:

Free Mumia

Click the link above Mumia's picture for more information.

Free Mumia Information

@Copyright 1999 Wiyaka Ska


Read Mumia's previous columns.

Thanks for The True Justice and Freedom Award!

From The Activist Shop

Click Here For The Activist Shop

Be sure and check out Oyate Underground....Great Site!

Click Here For Oyate Underground

Be sure and visit Mike's Place for some of the best information on the internet regarding AIM,The American Indian Movement including documents and other things regarding Wounded Knee 1973. He also posts current updates on Camp Justice. You will also find many links that will lead you to imformation about other important causes.

Mike also has a great NASCAR Page....check it out!

Click Here For Mike's Place

@Copyright 1999 Wiyaka Ska

If Your Browser Can't access The Jump Box,Click On The Icon To Take You To The Map With The Textual Links

Please click the link below for an important statement from Chief Arvol Looking Horse

Chief Arvol Looking Horse via PAN Central: IMPORTANT STATEMENT ON YUGOSLAVIA

Please visit

51 Native American Tribes uniting for a common goal: Restoring the American Bison to it's rightful range.

Please Click The Link Below

Click Here For InterTribal Bison Cooperative


Please vist ArcticWolf's Wonderful Website, Click below the Banner.

Click here to vist ArcticWolf's Website

"A time would come when those plains would be a grazing country, the Buffalo give place to tame cattle, farmhouses be scattered along the water courses, and Wolves, Bears, and Indians be numbered among the things that were."

Francis Parkman, in the preface to the 1872 edition of The Oregon Trail

Please Visit My Greeting Card Shop

Click the link below

Click Here For White Feather's Greeting Cards

@Copyright 2000 Wiyaka Ska

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Shield and Guestbook Graphics By_

Sam Silverhawk

San Francisco, California