A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Poem

written by Shirley Stealey

This is my favorite time of year
As greetings come from far and near,
The people are as busy as can be.

The children try to mind because
They want to make sure Santa Claus,
will leave some presents underneath the tree.

There's hustle bustle everywhere.
The smell of pine is in the air,
As Christmas trees appear on empty lots.

Now the decision you must make,
Will it be real, will it be fake?
Then THERE IT IS, the perfect tree you spot.

And now at last the tree is done.
The decorations one by one,
Upon each branch so carefully were placed.

A few remaining chores to do,
You need more dinner fixin's, too.
So, hurry now, you have no time to waste.

Finally, the day has come.
The gifts are given, dinners done.
It's over till the next year's Christmas season.

You're happy now, you're feeling great.
But....wait, why did we celebrate?

A Very Merry Christmas to all!
