Some final words

My goal in building this tour was to introduce you to Harry Truman the man and not Harry Truman the President. But as I continued to write, I realized they are one and the same. He was a real man...not some one who put on airs. What you saw, was what you got. Harry Truman the man and Harry Truman the President merged into one. I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading about my favorite President.

By the way, the S in Truman's name stands for......S. His parents couldn't decide whether to name him Shipper after the paternal grandfather or Solomon after the maternal grandfather, so they compromised with just the letter S. Because it is not an abreviation, there should be no period after the S (Harry S Truman).

A few more tidbits......

Harry's mother-in-law never did accept him as being good enough for her daughter, even though he became President of The United States.

It is thought that one of the reasons Bess didn't want Harry in the limelight was because she was afraid her father's suicide would be brought out in the open.

I must give credit where credit is due. Most of my material came from our PBS channel and a show they had about President Truman. Other material came from various places on the internet.

If you would like to learn more about this amazing man, here are a few links for you to look up. Please use your back button to return to this page.

Hiroshima: Harry Truman's Diary and Papers

Harry S Truman

Before you leave, please sign one of the guestbooks. Thank you.

Note: Sorry the guest books no longer work. I keep them there to maintain the original page. Just scroll to the bottom and click on next to go to the follow page.

USA Drifters Guestbook
