Unlike the "ryokan," Japanese inn, which has been a continuing fabric of that
country's history for more than 1300 years, "Zenegata's Ryokan" is but a
recent internet creation. It was first constructed and opened to viewers in
1999 and through the years rennovations and many additions have been
made, the most recent of which were completed on December 3, 2023.

Zenegata's Ryokan is a website which hopes to introduce internet travelers
to the many and varied aspects of "things Japanese." Once you have entered
your room in Zenegata's Ryokan, you will find, at the bottom of each page,
two 'Screen Guide' buttons marked "BACK" and "NEXT."

Clicking the "NEXT" option will take you to all 24 scenes in the ryokan.
The "BACK" option simply serves to return you to the previous scene.

These will be your only guides, leading you along a carefully
prepared way from beginning to end on a journey it is hoped
will be an interesting, unique and rewarding one.