This is the story of Momotaro, a brave boy who with his three companions,
a dog ("inu"), a monkey ("saru"), and a pheasant ("kiji") defeated the
monsters of evil and brought peace and happiness to his land.

A long, long time ago,in a land far away, there lived a friendly people who loved to
sing and dance and dress their children in colorful robes and ribbons and sashes at
festival time. Nature had given these people lush green islands to live on, from the
island of the "snow country" in the north to the warm and sunny island in the south.

Yes, nature had been good to them, placing wonderful mountains throughout their land,
with tall, strong pine trees and trees that bore fruit and trees that wore the delicate pink
and white cherry blossoms in the Springtime. Nature had given them cool, sparkling
rivers and rain and sun to help their crops grow but it had also given them storms and
typhoons, earthquakes and even tidal waves to test their spirit and make them strong.

The people worked hard and became strong and were able to manage the trials and tests
that nature had put them through but it was the evil and unnatural forces that caused
them pain and grief. On one of the nearby islands, Oni ga Shima ("monster island"),
there dwelt a tribe of monsters ("oni") whose pleasure seemed to come from causing
pain and suffering to others, Whenever they felt bored or just plain mischievous, the
monsters left their island and descended upon the unsuspecting villagers, hurting them,
stealing from them and even carrying their beloved children away to monster island
where they became slaves. It was all because of the evil oni that the friendly people
in this beautiful land could not enjoy real happiness.

One day, an old woman ("Obasan") from the village went down to the river
to wash clothes when she saw a giant peach floating down stream."My,
what a wonderful peach that is," she thought, " I'll take it home
to Ojiisan (old man) and we will eat it."

She took it home and just when Obasan and Ojiisan were getting ready
to cut it open, the peach split in two and out jumped a healthy little boy!

Obasan and Ojiisan were very happy now because they had
a little boy to love and they named him "Momotaro" (peach boy).

There was happiness in the house and with the love and
kindness of Obasan and Ojiisan, Momotaro grew and
became strong. One day Momotaro said to Obasan and
Ojiisan, "It is time for me to go to Oni ga Shima to do
battle with the evil ones and to punish them for the
unhappiness they have caused. Obasan prepared his
clothes and made "kibi dango" (rice balls) for Momotaro to
eat on his journey; luckily, she made more kibi dango than Momotaro
would need and this turned out to be a good thing because he would
have to share it. "Gambate, kiyotsukete!" ("good luck and be careful")
they called to him as he disappeared down the path.

Momo Taro had not gone very far when he met a dog who called to him, "Woof, woof!
Who are you and where are you going?" "I am Momotaro and I am going to fight the
evil ones." The dog replied,"If you give me some of your kibi dango, I will go with
you to Oni ga Shima. I am strong and I will help you fight the evil oni."

Momotaro was happy to share his food with the dog and happy also to have a friend to help him
fight the evil monsters. As they continued their journey, Momotaro and his new companion soon
came upon a monkey and a pheasant who decided to join them on their mission of good.

The four comrades, Momotaro, the dog, the monkey and the pheasant
boarded a boat which would take them to the island of the evil monsters,
Oni ga Shima. The sea was rough that day but the four comrades were
determined in their mission to rid their land of evil.

"Woof, woof!" barked the dog. "There it is, up ahead!" "Kya, kya take down
the sail!" the monkey screeched. "Kaen. kaen," chirped the pheasant.
"I'll fly over the island and see what the monsters are doing."

When the trio reached the shore, they were greeted by the pheasant who said,
"The monsters are asleep, now is a good time to attack!" "Let's go!"
yelled Momotaro as the four comrades broke through the gate.

In an instant, the monsters arose and rushed to the attack. "I am Momotaro
and I have come to punish you and your leader. Where is he?" "Here I am,"
said the biggest and meanest looking monster. "A puny little fellow like
you cannot defeat, me, I will crush you!" growled the monster.
"Kill them all!" he shouted to his oni tribesmen.

The dog leaped on the red monster's leg . "How do you like this?" he barked as he
sank his teeth into the monster's leg. "Ouch, ouch!" cried the red monster as he
hobbled away screaming in pain. "Kack, kack,"cried the monkey, jumping on
the blue monster's neck, scratching and kicking him.

"Kaen, kaen."screeched the pheasant as he flew into the face of the monster chief. "I'll claw
your eyes! " Oh, no, no!" pleaded the monster, "Please not my eyes!" Momotaro now
grabbed the monster chief's arm and began striking him with his steel fan.

Coward that he really was, the monster chief fell to his knees and pleaded for mercy
and forgiveness."Oh,Momotaro, please don't hurt me. I will do whatever you say, only
please don't hurt me." "Good!" said Momotaro. "From this day onward, you will stay
on your island andleave the good people alone!" I will,I will, I promise," replied the
monster. "Alright" said Momotaro and he called to his companions, "Come, let's load
their stolen treasure into the cart and return it to the people it rightfully belongs to!"

"Woof, woof," said the dog."Let's go home!" "Banzai, banzai" ("hurray, hurray")
screeched the monkey. "Kaen, kaen" answered the pheasant. "I'm so happy!"
From that time on, the friendly villagers lived happily. They sang and danced
and dressed their beloved children in colorful robes and ribbons to celebrate this
new festival, the festival of Momotaro's victory over the evil oni on Oni ga Shima!