C O P Y    and    P A S T E    T U T O R I A L
Copy and paste using a Personal Computer:

To Copy a Whole page method 1.

Right click on the page you like to copy, then click "select all" to hi-lite text.
Right click again then click "copy".
Go to the place where you want the text to be copied and right click on it, then click "paste". The text should be pasted on your place of choice.

To Copy a Whole page method 2.

Go to "edit", [top tool bar of screen] and click it.
Click "Select All" to Hi-lite text.
Again click the "edit" buton, then click "copy".
Place pointer at the place where you want the copied text to be located.
Go to "Edit" and hit "paste".

To Copy a portion of text.

Place pointer at the bottom of the text you want to copy.
Drag pointer to Hi-Lite the desired text.
Go to "Edit" and click "copy"
Place pointer at the place where you want the copied text to be located. Go to "Edit" and hit "paste".