||| A Marquee will set your text in graceful motion. ||| How do we make a marquee?
The Code: <marquee>a basic marquee.</marquee>
The Result:
Let's add colored text using the "font" attribute.The Code: <font color="darkred"><marquee>added font color="darkred"</marquee></font>
The Result:
Text size can be varied between 1 and 7.
<font color="green" size="7"><marquee> a bigger size 7 marquee</font></marquee></font>The Result:
Combining the above into one and adding a background.
<font color="white" size="7"><marquee bgcolor="teal"> a bigger size 7 marquee with bg color</marquee></font>
The Result:
Adding a font Style.Note:There are five font styles we can use.They are;
<I>, <B>, <U>, <S>, and <BLACKFACE>.All require ending tags. BLACKFACE works with web-tv only.<font color="white" size=7><I><marquee bgcolor="blue">aquiring a taste for style</marquee></I></font>
The Result:
Controlling Speed and Direction
You must have noticed that up to now all of the above marqquees move from right to left, and are always in constant motion.
We can now do something to control their behavior as to how a marquee will behave with regards to speed, direction, alignment, and repetitions.The required commands:
Note;Width can be expressed number of in pixels, or in % ( percent ).
loop controls the number of times the marquee will operate.Where it stops depends on the type of behavior we assign.
directionmarquee entrance is from left or right.
scrollamount controls marquee speed.
scrolldelay can be used alone to slow down. or in conjunction with scrollamount to controll the smoothness and of operation.
width controls the point on the screen where the marquee will enter and exit the screen.
hspacedefines the horizontal margins within which the marquee will operate.
vspacedefines a vertical margin or space above the marquee.
Marquee Behavior:A marquee can be instructed to behave in the following manner.I will list each but not define as this will become self evident.
1. "glide" , 2. "slide" , 3. "alternate" , and 4. "scroll"
Specifying direction and scrolldelay.<font color="red"><B> <marqee direction="right" scrolldelay="200">direction and scrolldelay </marquee> </B></font>
Specifying direction scrolldelay and scrollamount.
<font color="red"><B> <marqee direction="right" scrolldelay="200" scrollamount="50">direction scrolldelay and scrollamount</marquee> </B></font>
Adding width and behavior = alternate .
The Code; <font color="darkred" size="4"><marquee behavior="alternate" width="50%" scrolldelay="75">width and behavior </marquee></font>
Creating a vertical space by using the attribute; vspace.
The Code: <font color="darkblue" size="4"><marquee behavior="alternate" vspace="50" scrolldelay="75"></marquee></font>Reference text. note the space above and below marquee.
Creating a horizontal space by using the attribute; hspace.
The Code: <marquee hspace=100 scrolldelay=75 behavior=alternate>Horizontal Space. </marquee>
Alignment of marquee, using tables:Alignment of marquee to the LEFT side of page.
<table border=1 bordercolor=#000000 width=100 align=left bgColor=#ffffff> <tr> <td><font color=#ff00000><B><marquee scrolldelay=300 behavior=slide loop=30>align = left</marquee></B></font></td></tr></table>
with behavior=slide, marquee stops after 1 cycle, unless a number of loops is specified.
Alignment of marquee to the CENTER of page.
<table border=1 bordercolor=#000000 width=100 align=center bgColor=#ffffff><tr> <td><font color=#006400><B><marquee scrolldelay=300 behavior=alternate>align=center</marquee></B></font></td></tr></table>
Alignment of marquee to the RIGHT side of page, with direction = "up".
<table border=1 bordercolor=#000000 width=100 align=right bgColor=#ffffff> <tr> <td><font color=#0000ff><B><marquee height=35 scrolldelay=300 direction=up>align = right</marquee></B></font></td></tr></table>
A LIST OF ATTRIBUTES:Within the marquee tag we may include the following:
direction=left, right, up. or down.
scrollamount=a number 1 to 100 ? ok
scrolldelay=a number 1 to 100 ? ok
loop= #, the number of cycles marquee is to be active. The # can be; 5 ? 20 ?...