One day a rose bloomed in the desert It was a marvelous thing to see
It was not a desert flower
And it was not a fantasy

Now yucca plants and cacti
Are native to the land
They do not ask for water
Nor require care from man

But roses must be pruned and fed
And sheltered on cold nights
They should be deeply, gently watered And tended to just right

How drab the barren desert
So colorless and plain
So a rose upon such dismal land
Was indeed a claim to fame
 People came from miles around
To observe this awesome sight
A rose growing in the desert
Was a phenomenal delight
 Horticulturists and scientists
In no way could explain
The how's and why's and wherefore's
Of a rose on such terrain
 But God above was watching
All this activity below
And He could not help but smile
For He knew why the rose should grow
 With loving care, He'd placed it there It was not just a holy whim
Miracles are His specialty
And he wanted folks to think of Him
 So if one sees a lovely rose
Upon the desert's floor
Do not search for explanations
Just be pleased ... and thank The Lord

Virginia (Ginny) Ellis.
Note: I am honored for this beautiful Poem Ginny wrote and
dedicated to me. Thank you Ginny
Please visit My Poetry by The Desert Rose Below. Fran G.