I think of you once in a while
You and your own special smile
I miss you ~
The little things you used to do
That made you so uniquely you

The funny things you used to say
The little jokes you used to play
I still remember ~
You made me giggle all the time
I miss them all dear friend of mine

I wonder if sometimes you
Take time to remember me too
And the way we were~
Do your thoughts bring a memory
Of how innocent life used to be

Then time started to take it's toll
And life's reality took control
I miss you even more~
But I still hold on to the memory
When I loved you and you loved me

When I think of you I say a prayer
And ask God to keep you in His care
Thanking Him for ~ "The Way We Were"

Poetry by: Jack Young © 9-12-05
Co. Poet and Page Design by:
Fran G. © 9-12-05
midi playing: "The Way We Were"
From: DolphinDreams