It began before the early dawn
It came down fast and strong
It came as peacefully we slept
It was a promise that God kept

God looked down upon our need
Rushing, working, no time to heed
No time for rest nor meditation
'twas now HE said a vacation

HE had watched us come and go
To remind us He had to show
In that misty early dawn so quiet
HE had sent us a message in white

Some were happy some it created hardship and were sad
God looked down and said "But you will be glad"
See, all around you is now a beautiful Glow
You needed a sign, I sent you the winter Snow
A few days of rest and play
Was sent to you this day
Will you spend it with family
And will you tell them of ME?

Yes Lord, I have many plans
To rest, play and in all their hands
I will place and read a forgotten book
On the cover written HOLY BIBLE so
As we all look at the beauty You sent- all in white

Thank you Heavenly Father for all Your Blessings
You have reminded us again and we know
Why you sent us a Message that day
With The Beauty of Snow

Author and Page Designed By: Fran G. @ January 24, 2011
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