Do you believe in the words written
By those prophets in a book long ago
They tell of our creation
By a God that loves us so

Some folks think it's fantasy
They think they know so much
Others say we happened by accident
And didn't need the Master's touch

Believing they have the answers
They have it all figured out you see
But none can prove a single thing
Of the way we all came to be

How God created us
Will remain a mystery
But the Good Book says He did it
And that's good enough for me

The Bible says He gave His son
To die upon a tree
And the reason why He did
Was to ransom you and me

I believe what is written there
Every word and every phrase
No one will ever prove different
So I'll believe it all my days

Now if you don't agree with me
When you reach your journeys' end
I pray before you arrive you will see
Those Prophets were true my friend

In His Image God Created man
All living creatures large and small
Promises of the Prophets that began
Have been fulfilled~This World is God's Creation for All~~

Let us Praise Him for His Grace
Shout it to every NATION
Until we meet Him face to face
For the wonder of His CREATION