Entangled in my thoughts webs woven
Places and people engulf my mind
Swirling in my head as sand in the wind is droven
Trying so desperately to distinguish between~~
Reality and a dream

Wanting to keep my memories
Blacken the bad, sealed forever gone
Struggling to save the good ones alone
At times wishing there was no reality
Holding onto dreams that were all finality

Time is of no essence now to me
A new dream I will create then there will be
Something to look forward to see
Will there be a good ending~~
As the rivers tumbling out to the sea

I will dream of an angel fish lying in the sand
Pick them up and put back to sea
The gulls and pelicans I will feed from my hand
Some flying, some strollng along the shore
Thinking God could give no more
Beauty to behold ~ lest I turn my glance away
And see the awesome rainbow beyond the bay

Sail boats gliding across the horizon
Feeling the sand beneath my feet
This is what God granted me
Waiting for the love to be complete
Washing away trials and pain
Slowly drifting off to sleep by the sound of the sea
Waking to find the tide roaring in again

When at the end it shall come true
The only thing I would change
Is that I could spend it all with you
Forget reality keep my dream in mind
God will fullfill it in HIS own time

It always helps to cleanse your soul
Give it to God, HE will make you Whole
Your Prayers He will answer you shall see
Hold on to Faith for He holds the key

So many dreams my life has held
Only a few did I ever tell
As with the sea where the treasures hide
Most were washed away with the rolling tide
But I will start a new dream today
And let the Lord guide my way

Author: © Fran G. 2-16-06
For my 77th Birthday (2-22-06)