God Walked With Me

God walked "WITH" me,
as I walked with "HIM."
HE walked with me then and even now,
through troubled times,
To fulfill HIS written vow.

His anchor held through the troubled sea,
When my sails were torn,
HE watched over me.

Through the trials of
sadness and pain,
As the rain vanished,
then came the rainbow.

"HE walked WITH me."
The story of my life with the LORD
in poetry cannot be told.
The Bible has been my guide,
to tell His story of old.

A story to witness my Faith
in HIM each day, Some act of
Love or words to say.
"HE walks WITH me"


HE walked with me along each road,
HE will walk with you, help carry your load.
Give your life to God above,
HE is in control with HIS Love.

FAITH is the victory, it is the key,
when we remember Calvary's Tree.
Our Lord gave HIS life for you and me,
to save our souls and set us free.

"HE walks WITH me and I walk with HIM"
May HE restore HIS Blessings
on all this day.
As we bow before HIM and humbly pray.

By: Fran Gaines © copyright`s Thank You..